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Can some one tell me what i'm doing wrong here?


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some how i still get the circulating text and the armor still doesn't work as it's supposed to... wht the heck is this happening?

fose says that nothing's wrong but the script just doesn't work should i just scrap the prodject? the srmor is supposed to make you unnoticed nomatter what unless you talk to some one... but it doesn't do that and idk what wrong.

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I don't really see differences between the 2 scripts except for formatting and you get SPACES by using [*code][*/code] without the *


scn DeathsArmorSCRIPT

	player.addspell DeathsInvisibilitySpell
	player.addspell StealthBoyInvisibilitySpell

player.removespell DeathsInvisibilitySpell
player.removespell StealthBoyInvisibilitySpell


though that would be more efficient, no point in a variable when you don't need it

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ah thanks, but like i had said previously i had copied a working script and changed the names for the spell and that was it... i don't know how it whent wrong... should i just scrap the prodject?

oh yeah since i'm grounded right now (i hadn't been doing my home work) so i can't test the code... can some one do that for me?

(and yes i royally screwed up to get where i am now)

Edit: now hat i found the secret admnin account on windows xp on my moms computer i can test the code.. and have tested it, but it still doesn't work like what the stealth armor in the pesonal terminal addon for fallout 3 the armor in there funtions by preventing ai combat without having to activate "toggle combat ai"(tcai) in the consol. yes i use cheatcodes and proud of it. ... ... ...... what is that it i still havn't completed the armor and now no more help? if you've done all you can for me at least say so, but i really am a hopeless coder since i'm still in high school... i just want the armor to work right that's all! now there's a glitch where you're still transparent... i think that the script's gone buggy. no text shows up wen the armor is removed or put on. i'm cheaking it right now but you guys could mostlikely find something i miss since i can't see a snake even if it pit me ion the nose!

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