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The After Game + my search


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Hey all


im sure this has been asked before. but ive done alot of searching and due to having a small download limit i cant download all the mods so i wanna pick carefully


Im after a mod that has alot after game material, after the story. quests, new lands, new armors/weapons, new npc's or the same npc's but with better dialog, i hate that this game ends after the story. and you cant go back to town and be known as a hero or here people going "you made it!!, sorry about sarah" or something like that


It would be nice to return to a wasteland were people acknowledge what you've done or havn't done and the choices u've made like in oblivion


And it would be nice if theres all new lands, quests, area's, etc


--- thats the main mod im after


the other ones im after are the following


- the best female body replacer

- the best hair mod ( alot of hair mods look far to "cartoony" and not really realistic or have many bugs )

and the best mod for new armor and armor conversions, nice looking armor, sexy armor

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Hey all


im sure this has been asked before. but ive done alot of searching and due to having a small download limit i cant download all the mods so i wanna pick carefully


Im after a mod that has alot after game material, after the story. quests, new lands, new armors/weapons, new npc's or the same npc's but with better dialog, i hate that this game ends after the story. and you cant go back to town and be known as a hero or here people going "you made it!!, sorry about sarah" or something like that


It would be nice to return to a wasteland were people acknowledge what you've done or havn't done and the choices u've made like in oblivion


And it would be nice if theres all new lands, quests, area's, etc


--- thats the main mod im after


the other ones im after are the following


- the best female body replacer

- the best hair mod ( alot of hair mods look far to "cartoony" and not really realistic or have many bugs )

and the best mod for new armor and armor conversions, nice looking armor, sexy armor


Hmm...dunno about a single mod that would have a lot of quests and extra dialogue.


The hair mod I would recommend is http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5718 , Tony the Wookie's Good Hair Day mod that basically compiles a lot of other hair mods into one. It lets you choose whether you want the npcs to change as well or whether or not to have the eyelash modifications too.


Going by the Top 100 files on the F3 Nexus I'm guessing the "best" female body replacer is the Dimonized Type 3 http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4280.

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