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Magic University

DB Goku

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Magic University


Well i got an idea, i will create a little University at Sea.

I will need some help etc i will write what will first version 1.0 include.

And it will include students, Teacher's, Instructors, New spell's, and more.




After a many students coming, to Arcane University Lately, Arch-Mage and Council discussed about open-ing a new Magic University for those who search for Power, and those who wants to train for Battle Mages, after gathering final word of all Council Members they finally decide-ed to make a new University, so they send workers, Lead Mage of University, and few guards.




Version: 0.0


Comming Version: 1.0


Help Needed: Need Some Tester's for my Mod if u want please PM me.

Need some Writers.


Version 1.0 will include:


-Lead Mage of University(or ArchMage as u call it)


-Workers( I think u will not able to speak with them they are only for work after all :/ ))




-One Teacher.


-Few new Spell's


BTW: u must know that university will start as a One tower, on platform on sea

in every version university will get larger, from one tower to two, from two to a little castle.



But i know that every mod without quest like this, sucks -.-'


So first u will raise trough the ranks until u dont come to final rank.


Even when u come to final rank, u will be in Charge of Magic University.


[Have u ever wanted after u finish main quest line of Mages Guild as arch mage that u have more job? quests?] well here u will have Quest's and Assignments even after u become in CHARGE! so ur job never ends!


This mod's will Include a new spells =) more powerful then u ever seen.


O and u don't need to become a member of a Mages Guild for this mod, to enter to Magic University.


So thats it for now, feel free to comments, any idea's or something.





Members Working on this mod:


DB Goku


Change Log:

Version: 0.0

-Add Platform on sea.

-Add Workers

-Add Mage in Charge of University.((Lex Polus))

-Add Guards

-Add Main Tower

-Make a place look like under construction.


Working on:

-Main tower Interior

-Guard's AI



-Place it self

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hey that's a big project man, there's a lot of work here, and all this about a new university sounds cool but I think you should develop the story a bit more, it doesn't fit pretty well the lore, and it's quite unclear why is that new university being build.


First, Arch-mage Traven is a very strict person, and we're told he limited the acces to the arcane university by requesting new members to adquire recommendations from every guild-hall, so I doubt he would support a new university that allows free acces. Moreover, the mages guild is not suposed to help anyone just seeking for power, but rather to instruct in the proper use of magic. If you want in your story to make like a lot of new mages gained acces to the arcane university and they just needed to build another one then perhaps you should explain it in your quest and give a reason for that, but I don't suggest so as the university it's suposed to be quite an elitist place, maybe instead you could give a reason for why that new university has to be build right there and not inside or next the arcane university. Maybe it's build upon the ruins of an ayleid temple that holds great power, or they've find there a new material capable of magic usages, etc. Also if it's the mages guild, why making a new faction with new ranks? It seems to me that a group of mages outside the mages guild should be in conflict with them. I'd make it like a big side-quest of the mages guild quest, without factions and ranks, just a big quests to advance in, unless you really want to make it something different from the mages guild.


Take this considerations as you like it, I hope they could help you building up your storyline. That's probably the hardest work when making a quest mod, but it's also what makes people enjoy it, so spending some time with the story it's worth the effort. I don't know if you're planning to make it lore-friendly, if not then just ignore all this and excuse me for not telling so on a first instance but I don't want to seem a lore fanatic, as I am not, simply I like the stories I play to be somehow coherent between them.

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Well.. thanks for that..


Maybe i should make this university for Battle Mages or something..


In first place i was thinking of making university of magic so u be teach good powers and help them or bad powers and go dark way and kill everyone at university then u make a deal with Necromancers and make university Necro University :P


or Dark Arts University whatever!


or u can follow ur own path.


Any way i will see yet i am busy right now i am building interiors etc..


but hey once more thanks for ur advice.


And i made story like this.. i mean i don't see why story wont fit?


More and more students are coming to arcane university, and to all guilds and they don't have enough space and teachers to learn everyone so council gathers with Arch Mage and they decide to open new university, for those who can to enter arcane university and for those who wants to become something else anyway.. i will have a little think about this.


Thanks Once More.



DB Goku


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I like the idea of it being like a Dark Mages Guild Necromancy and shuch and it having nothing to do with the Mages Guild if we got enough people with good modders experience we could make new dark spells maby one that opens a *semi gate* to oblvion that allows certain monsters to come threw for a limeted amout of time


Maby add a tourture chamber??

i dunno but i think im fairly ok with making interior and extiror cells

anything i go do to help let me know

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I like the idea of it being like a Dark Mages Guild Necromancy and shuch and it having nothing to do with the Mages Guild if we got enough people with good modders experience we could make new dark spells maby one that opens a *semi gate* to oblvion that allows certain monsters to come threw for a limeted amout of time


Maby add a tourture chamber??

i dunno but i think im fairly ok with making interior and extiror cells

anything i go do to help let me know

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No problem man.


Ah yea.. not bad idea, and there will be about 3 or 5 new Spells in Version 1.0 from One Scholar at university




Thanks man.. i will consider and send u PM ;)


So if u have any more ideas people please post i need them..

by the way i need some Writers... for university library? anyone want send me a Pm or post here

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