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Oblivion minimizes randomly


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It happens with Oblivion AND fallout 3. The mouse pointer appears on the corner of my screen, and when i press left or right button, it minimizes. Then i maximize oblivion, and it happens again. It's really annoying. Could someone help?
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I haven't seen this one in Quite a while. It is caused when another program - usually something like a Instant Messenger, xfire, vonage or some other program steals the focus of the screen.


It usually happens when you are running the game in windowed instead of full screen mode.

Anything that runs in the background can do this, including antivirus programs, defraggers, indexing (MS Indexer) and especially programs that call home periodically - including many virus and spyware programs.



Scan for spyware and viruses

Disable all messenger type programs while playing - including xfire, vonage, skype, ms messenger etc.

Disable any auto maintenance programs, such as defraggers, indexing etc.

Check for programs that call home - such as Java, HP printer drivers, adobe and many others that think having the latest update is more important than anything you could possibly be doing with your computer at the time. - disable the auto upgrade option (if possible)

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