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Game thinks I'm over encumbered... but I'm not


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So I kind of getting annoyed but this. I currently have 410 carry weight in total but im only carrying about 150-250 at max. The problem is, everytime I equip, drop, trade, sell, etc (play with my items) the game shows a notification telling me im carrying too much, but im not?!

Please, any help would be appreciated, it's totally not a game breaking issue but its annoying.

The only mod im using to modify carry weight is Bandolier - Bags and Pouches, but even though i've used it for 1 month the bug just began some days ago so im not sure its from that.

If you want my load order, feel free to ask

Thanks in advance.

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have you tried looking for a newer version of bandolier? if there is no new version what about trying to remove and re-equip your bags?

Actually I just figured it out, when i dropped all my items my carryweight would go to -191! Quest items don't weigh anything so I just used the command player.forceav inventoryweight 0 after dropping everything and then it was fixed.. Too bad next time i started skyrim up my carryweight reset from 410 to 300 but that was also easily fixed by using player.modav carryweight 110 so it added 110 to those 300.

Thanks for the help anyway!

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I just experienced this glitch i tried reseting my game, droping items and for some reason alt+tab worked(even though that wasnt the first time i Alt-TABed since the gltich started) oh well.

:P No idea how it started and how it stopped just glad it did.

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