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Lock Script


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Im building a house for a high level character and some parts are guild related.

I want the doors of these areas to be locked until the person is the head of the guild


what is the short lock script that makes the door locked until player is the right faction rank.


thanks in advance

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nah i could do that.. but i want it so that it checks the faction rank and is unlocked only if at that rank... cos the guild masters dnt all get news keys when they finish the quest line; so a short script that enables the door if the rank is right, is what im looking for
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scn Factiondoorlockscript

ref target

Begin OnActivate
set target to GetActionRef
if target.GetFactionRank MyFaction == Rank

Example (Arch-Mage): if target.GetFactionRank MagesGuild == 9

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nah i could do that.. but i want it so that it checks the faction rank and is unlocked only if at that rank... cos the guild masters dnt all get news keys when they finish the quest line; so a short script that enables the door if the rank is right, is what im looking for

NPCs can open any locked door they own without aid of a key. You can see this by stealing keys from NPCs around the IC, and following them around. NPCs only need the key if they are to lock or unlock a door by package, not if they are only trying to go through that door. However, keep in mind that this may not always work when you're dealing with non-load doors.


Additionally, you can also just give keys a weight of 5-10, since heavier items are harder to steal, consolidate things to only requiring a few keys (making use of faction ownership on doors to control NPC behavios) and giving all they keys needed to each NPC who will be moving through that space. Combined with that, setting ownership of cells or objects to a certain faction rank can help discourage the player from going where they shouldn't be. Paired with some scripting on faction NPCs, it can be quite efficient at keeping the player out.

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