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How to unequip all items that actor is wearing?


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How can I unequip actor ( or at least player ) from all items he is wearing? I'm using "Expanded hotkeys and spell delete" mod and when changing my armour set using ALT + 9 or ALT + 0 it doesn't unequip any items - only equips new ( so if I have armour, bow and arrow in one set, when I change to second set without them, my character still has them equipped ). So is there a way to first unequip all items and then equip new items? I could solve my problem by using special items that would unequip themselves right after equipping them but block OnEquip in script doesn't work when item is equipped using EquipItem function. Can someone help me?
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Well, I don't quite understand what you mean. Could you simplify it a bit ( English isn't my country's language )? I mean, I don't exactly know what to do - change base models for males and female for these one that Robert made?
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Well, I don't quite understand what you mean. Could you simplify it a bit ( English isn't my country's language )? I mean, I don't exactly know what to do - change base models for males and female for these one that Robert made?

Roberts male body mod IV or V,I use IV and Roberts female body mod.it replaces the meshes and textures on the "vanilla bodies" allowing as I said nudity or underwear,look in the top 100 mods and the body mod catagories

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Hmm, but it doesn't solve my problem, does it?

I need to know how to unequip actor of all items he wears or how to force script to use OnEquip block when item is equipped with actor.EquipItem function and I think that body mod doesn't affect that.

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If you only have single-slot items equipped, you can use GetEquippedObject to find out all the items you're using. If you have any multislot items (like robes, Dark Brotherhood armor, etc.) then you'll have to use GetEquipmentSlotMask instead.


After you have the object IDs of your equipped items, use UnequipItem to remove them.


Of course this all takes time if you do it with the console. To do it fast, you'll have to make your own mod or edit your hotkeys mod. Or maybe you can find a different hotkeys mod? I'm not familiar with many of these mods so I don't know which one recommend. Personally I use "Improved Hotkeys" and "Hotkey Casting" but I never use the keys to change complete outfits, so I don't know if they would work.

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