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setav <name of attribute> 200


Do you really need more than 200?

Nope... There are only a few cases where you would get any real benefit, and most of them are better achieved through other means. Having some stats, like personality above 100 can cause disposition issues (and crime) against things that are normally hostile. Excessive strength can lead to weapons breaking faster, excessive speed can make movement harder to control. To carry more, either use a mod that boosts carry limit, or use abilities with feather. To move faster, raise athletics. Only real benefit is with endurance an int, and both of those are easier adjusted directly through hp/mp fortifications.


The problem happens because you have a base stat above 100 and have a special bonus (in this case, vampirism) which is pushing it above 255. This is one of the reasons why all 255 attribute mods are not made equal. Mods which just increase base attribute can cause problems like this, meanwhile mods which boost attributes above 100 using abilities or non-visible equipment do not have this problem. Stats and skills as high as 500 or so are possible with using temporary things like equipment or long duration buffs, but again, there really isn't any need to get them that high.

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