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Archers and casters briefly stagger everytime they are hit in battle.


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Hi, I am trying to create an immersive gameplay overhaul to work with duel combat. similar in a way to requiem and deadly combat but more balanced and immersive. I tried to make archers stagger whenever they are firing a bow but I have experienced no success so far, Archery is very powerful in Skyrim due to high accuracy rates, in vanilla this was offset with huge health pools which could soak huge amounts of damage, but in more little mods the difference between being shot with an arrow or not becomes much greater. Right now, a archer who wasn't staggered by the regular melee hit will be able to release a following arrow shot from point blank. In order to encourage melee I want to find a way to make it harder to release a shot or spell under pressure, making spells and arrow only a viable solution for the range and dodgy characters.


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