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Help with translation?


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I want to translate some japanese, danish and russian mods.


I was going to use google translations line by line for all the dialogue and then make my best guess at what the meaning was and rewrite.


Heres the issue:


When I open things in pretty much any editor I get scrambled letters for other languages. Is there an editor I can use to aid me in translating mods? If not, what option do I have to read this garbled text?


Thank you.


(P.S. I have the language packs installed. I think the issue is most TES editting programs chose unicode or western based upon your region... but changing my region hasn't helped either. )

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Wait, from what language do you want to translate the mod from? FromEnglish to japanese etc, or from japanese to something?

But google translate is the worst method you can actually use. trust me. It will only sound ridiculous.

The scrambled text is because of the Japanese and Russian letters. It has nothing to do with region. If you'll buy the game in Russia, then you'll get the Russian version of the game. that's when you can read the scrambled texts. (Ergo if you bought it in Japan, you can only read the japanese scrambled texts, and not Russian).



Hope it helps,


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Additionally, you should always have permission from the original author before trying to make any translations. If the author doesn't speak your language, you probably won't be able to get their permission. I wouldn't want to trust something like google translate to anything other than trying to make sense of websites. Most languages just have too many nuances which could change the meaning of what is being said/asked completely.


As far as translating is concerned, your only real chance is to find a native speaker with that version of the game who also knows english and who can obtain permissions and either convert most of the mod, or feels like transcribing dialogues and messages. I'm pretty sure that things like scripting and object names require western characters.

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And what kind of mods you're talking about?

That is the other side of the question. Most Japanese mods for instance are new meshes, or conversions of existing English mods. Meaning that in most cases, all that might need to be done is re-defining items or translating some names.


Many Russian and German mods I've seen are along similar lines.


You would also need to be aware of what mods contain content which was ripped from other sources, which cannot be shared legally.


Essentially, something like this would only work on a mod by mod basis due to all the permissions you would need to get, the specific aspects of that mod which would need to be converted, and being able to handle all the communication between yourself and the other authors. To make matters worse, you would likely need to have to handle all support and issues related to that mod after translating and upload for the language you upload to, so this job is usually best left to those who are fairly familiar with how mods work and interact with eachother. Even if you don't outright accept responsibility, you will still likely have questions sent your way.

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Please save all the legal and ethical concerns, this is purely for my own use. I will not be uploading anything I translate but I do want to be sure I can read the point of a quest and be able to do it beyond venturing to markers.


I'm seeking to translate these mods into English, not from.


I can see the text perfectly fine in the game, thats not the issue so much as when I open the mods in CS or with Tecra's Mod-translator, the dialogue is basically messed up by the fact that both programs do not have support for the foreign characters. What I was asking was if there was a utility or DLL file I can drop in or use in order to view the text in russian, japanese and danish without it being molested and completely useless for my attempt to translate it.


I don't particularly care if it talks about the willow winds of the black river, if I can get the general synopsis between that and where the quest marker is in the editor, I can figure out the rest.... the only problem is I can't even grab the text for translation.


The nearest I've found is opening the ESPs as TXT files in open office with Cryllic encoding or EUC-Jp. This sucks, frankly, because you've got no clue where to plug the text in with the editor since changing it to those encodings will destroy the English portions.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Tecra's Mod Translator is a good choice if you want to see the ESPlugin file in different charsets (go here). However I am not sure if 1.2 version will do. The most recent was 1.3 beta6 version and it had an option to change the charset for sure.


The other is TES4Edit and its TES4Trans functions.

The nearest I've found is opening the ESPs as TXT files in open office with Cryllic encoding or EUC-Jp. This sucks

Yes, it is. Better way is to "Export texts" in Construction Set (menu File->Export), edit exported texts in MS Word etc., and then import it back to the plugin.

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