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Save The Whales... Ok not Really. MW2


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I do not know if you guys/gals are aware of the atrocities being committed by IW and Activision in regards to MW2, you most probably are. Just in case you are not, there will as of right now not be any dedicated servers for MW2. Google it and see for yourself I did not want to spam your forums. But I will include this link to a petition even though IMHO petitions do not work. There is always a chance, no?



I would appreciate you guys/gals signing it even if you do not play it because this could be the end of online gaming as we know it. Alarmist? Maybe.... but the rumor is that the DLC is going to cost $$. And of the numerous facts their will be no dedicated servers. And possibly no way to mod the game.


Think of it this way if this IW way of doing things even gets a little bit of following IE: because how will you play it if you do not use IW unless you want to spend all your time getting people to join your server... Then other producers/developers might follow suit. It may not happen to something like AA because it is already huge and probably thousands play it. But it already happened to a greater or lesser degree to OFP: Dragon Rising. Here is a link to someone trying to get a multi player experience going in that game http://community.codemasters.com/forum/sho...ad.php?t=387255. This second link I have not checked out but I suspect is full of bad news since it was posted in our forums as a warning against purchasing it http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=87936. Anyway your support is appreciated.


Most of the members here are probably just play by themselves players but think about this. What if Fallout 3 or Oblivion was un-modable? Or if the next Fallout or TES game is set like live where you have to log in to use it and save your position in the game? I think Fallout 3 even had a live component to it did it not? What if you dont have internet? You cannot play...


Any help you can lend is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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Consider it signed. While Im getting it on PS3, I still think Infinity Ward made a bad decision for teh PC version. Hopefully, enough people will see this thread and sign it too. I never like seeing PC players in trouble... :confused:
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Thanks Katshy. I was beginning to think that I was the only one that could see it. I think it is well worth the time it takes to help others out. I know that if I was made aware of something like this for other platforms I would sign it just on basic principal even if I never touched the game in question. Thanks again. And thanks for visiting the SWAT forums and posting too.
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Yes, it's a really bad sign for the future. It's like splitscreen on console: why have split screen so one guy can buy one game and have 3 of his mates play with him? Wouldn't it be more economical if we had them only playing online, in which case they all need a copy of the game, a console and subscription to Xbox live? Moahahaha!


My hopes is that developers with a strong footing in PC-gaming (like Bethesda and Valve) will remember the potential the modding-community have, and rather than go trying to stamp it out, they will embrace it. Or the very least start realising that gamers are not all that content with just sitting down, keeping quiet and keep the money pouring in. Giving us a construction set or not shackling us by making one of those infernal life-profiles you need to log on to and be connected (not to mention: they can ban you for some reason and thus barring you from accessing a game you've paid for; or will be able to at some point if things keeps going like this) won't be giving in to the pirates or ruining sales; the worst that could happen is that you stimulate some creativity in the community.


But still... I really wish some PC-gamers could learn to actually purchase their games...

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(not to mention: they can ban you for some reason and thus barring you from accessing a game you've paid for; or will be able to at some point if things keeps going like this)

This already happens - its why I avoid buying anything off Steam where possible.


But still... I really wish some PC-gamers could learn to actually purchase their games...

This issue has nothing to do with piracy, its just the fact that IW know this game will sell shedloads on the consoles, no matter how bad it is, so they have an opportunity to see how much they can get away with - after all, the more similar the console/PC versions are, the cheaper it is to make. And tbh, I wouldn't be surprised if this game gets pirated a lot more than most releases because of this move - people will just pirate it in protest. I don't particularly agree with these people's methods (a boycott would be a better idea), but hey, its better than just going out and encouraging other companies to do the same thing by buying it.

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Uhg it is getting worse! I hope you guys are going and signing the petition. :thanks:


* No Lean

* No way to record demos

* Can't choose who hosts

* Can't kick hackers or players who cause problems

* Not allowed to change FoV (Field of View)

* Console disabled (can no longer type cl_drawfps 1 to show frames per second in console.

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Just saw this interesting interview here... seriously, some of the answers given in it are truly facepalm-worthy...


Since we can not kick people in ranked matches, how will we stop hackers who get past VAC?

Mackey-IW: Our goal is to ban hackers from the game.


Ignoring IW.net, is the PC version a direct port of the console version?

Mackey-IW: No, PC has custom stuff like mouse control, text chat in game, and graphics settings.


Seriously, does he think we're stupid or something?


EDIT: oh, SWAT_WaLkAwaY, you forgot to add the limit of 18 players per game (down from 32) to your list :P (18 being the max the game will let you have... ignoring the fact it'll probably be pretty much impossible to go above 8 or 10 without the game becoming too laggy to play)

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EDIT: oh, SWAT_WaLkAwaY, you forgot to add the limit of 18 players per game (down from 32) to your list :P (18 being the max the game will let you have... ignoring the fact it'll probably be pretty much impossible to go above 8 or 10 without the game becoming too laggy to play)



Actually I was thinking it was gonna be more along the lines of impossible to find people to wait long enough for you to gather 4-8 people to play with. :wallbash: and then if you do it will be too laggy. :rolleyes:

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