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Oblivion Skydiving NOT TO BE MISSED!!!!!


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This sounds like a crazy idea, but I like it. I'm not sure who would venture in such an adventure, cuz you see, making this kind of mods, takes both time and dedication. It's hard to find modders that are willing to start a team and make this available. We are also talking about modding skills here. You can't just start such a project without good modders and most of them are bussy with thier own stuff if they are still moding, but who knows, mayby we get lucky and a good one gives us a smile and decides to give it a try. :P





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Pushkatu what modding skill you got? lend me a hand?

basicly i can make sells place objects and stuff

i have no idea how to script (tried to work it out with no sucess)


My main modding skill is giving proper feedback to modders. When I had the time to learn how to mod I was to lazy and now when I'd like learn I have no time(work, school, stuff). This is life. Anyway, as I said I have no modding skills, I'm sorry if I left you that impression, but I do wish to see this started.

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You welcome. I just hope that this effort of yours won't be in vain.

I'm off to bed now. I'll be back tomorrow to see how things turned out.





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