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Far Cry

Enemies mod.


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Anyone know of a mod that lets you take over outposts but doesn't replace the Pirates/Privateers with Rakyat? i want to beable to do the side missions on the boards but i also want to fight pirates and privateers.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry for the late reply; haven't been on the forum much lately.


You can do the missions on the enemy camp boards while the enemy are still in possession of the camp. You can sneak up to some of the boards to get the missions. Or, you can draw the enemy off to allow you to get to the board by setting C4 just outside the camp (many times there are vehicles parked just outside the camp boundary); once you've placed the C4 get close to the mission board, set off the C4, which will draw off most of the enemy, then grab the mission from the board and get out of there before you're spotted by returning enemy.


30 Days mod incorporates the Return to Neverland 2 mod by Chorizoss (I'm pretty sure there are some other mods that feature this as well). It allows you to permanently or temporarily take enemy camps. If you choose the temporary option; you'll have the camp while you occupy it; enemies will still spawn out in it's vicinity (so you'll have frequent encounters). Then, when you leave the camp........................it'll revert back to the enemy. The temporary option allows you to take over enemy camps many times. The process is described more fully in the 30 Days mod notes posted with the mod files on the Nexusmods FC3 site/30 Days mod.


Hope this helps.

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