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no more ghouls


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i've searched all over, as well as other sites, but can't find anything except for the opposite. As in ghoul worship.


I'd like a mod that would retexture ghouls (since they can't be replaced, it seems) into something more pleasant to look at. Could be a beer can for all I care. There was one mod here,


, but there did not seem to be an included file :wallbash: , and the description left much to be desired. Seems it just might only replace ghouls in Underworld, but who knows since there is no file and that description is mysterious.


Anyway, no I'm not interested in ghoul masks, the thousands of retextures of said masks, or female ghoul retextures which are just disgusting ghouls with better makeup. Thanks

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lore, lol


bigot? nah


prissy? yeah


I forgot to mention that NO IM NOT INTERESTED IN THE BILLIONS OF play as a ghoul / add as race MOD! so, you can stick that costume in a rubbish bin.


anyway, short of translating a ghoul-free japanese fallout 3, im noticing that it's somewhat straight-forward to do this: add a folder that simulates the ghoul texture folders in the game's bsa package, and use textures from elsewhere and rename accordingly.


not likely that it'll be THAT easy, considering animations and meshes, but we'll see how this goes and...


if the geeks love ghouls, I think the geeks will equally love being ambushed by beautiful women in the sewers and metro tunnels. the trip from Medical Center to Bethesda just got interesting. ;D




next up, amazon women super mutants

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moderate success thus far.


I've taken away their gross texture and replaced it with a bland one and gave them better sounds! FAR more entertaining than before... let's just hope it doesn't bug the game out.

still beta testing it though...


on the bright side, i've discovered that all nonferal ghouls are actually drag queens, so i suppose that makes me a homophobe... or would that be a homophile since I made them look like that? :wacko:



although at this point, I think I should now ask help from someone who might be able to suggest a suitable and aesthetically pleasing re-texture for the ferals... or perhaps someone could save me time by suggesting a viable skeleton replacement?

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