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HUD Vanishes when Idle


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Do you perhaps have the mod Immersive Hud? I have the mod Ihud/Immersive Hud and your problem sounds almost exactly like what Ihud does. Basically it makes the hud disappear if it's not in use, and that includes the compass too. You can change the settings in game in the skyrim mod menu. Or if you don't know what that is because I probably made a confusing explanation, but you can always just deactive the mod which would solve your problem.


However if that is NOT your problem then I have no idea. But this is my suggestion to you. If you have Ihud turn it off or change it's settings to allow for you to see the hud.

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  • 2 months later...

So I had the same issue and I backed up my files, and removed Immersive first person, which didn't help. However, I loaded up another character, and he didn't have the issue. When I loaded up my other character, the issue was fixed. Something note worthy about the character that had the issue was that I used this save: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14263/? to make this character. Hope my way works for you.

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