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Daedra Hunter/Kynesguard Rebuild Request


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So every time I reinstall Skyrim, I look for this mod (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/20305/?), to see if it had been updated. I always notice that the mod is still being followed, based upon all the comments in Posts area. I have tried on many occasions over the last couple years to contact the mod author (for this and his New Vegas mods) and have never gotten a response. I was wondering if anybody would/could take this mod and breathe new life into it? It is a great quest with great rewards (all of which work, I believe) and I think a lot of people would enjoy it.


The things which should be addressed (to my knowledge):

the weapons show no blood in (and out of)) combat.

The armors have now weight sliders

The armors are Male only (not a big deal but some people made requests...)

Sometimes the books need to be read from the inventory (doesn't work if read on pick up but still works when read the second time from player inventory), to cue the quest's progression


I like how in the current mod, the weapons allow for any new textures being used to be applied to the weapons (they are made from vanilla meshes) and would hope that would still be incorporated, if somebody were to adopt this mod.


I don't know if anyone is willing, or that it would even be allowed without permission, but if this mod were to be fixed, I would be greatly appreciative...for whatever that is worth...


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