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Dueling Pistols


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Because it's cool. There just seems to be some allure to these big, one shot weapons for a stealth character. And I think the bbgun animation would be adequate for this kind of thing, the model would just have to be long enough.

I can make a mod, I just need a model/texture.









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Yes, as a Western fan, I'd love nothing more than to cowboy-style duel-wield some revolvers. But the fact that there aren't any duel-wielding mods of ANYTHING here on the Nexus must mean it's hard to pull off in Fallout 3 modding...


I wonder Bethesda didn't include something like that in the game... too hard to implement, even for them, I wonder?

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I think you're thinking dual instead of duel, mind you it would be cool I'm happy with just one. These aren't revolvers, they're kind of a single shot, blackpowder, flintlock kinda thing. Seems like it should be somewhere in Tenpenny towers, it is a gentlemanly way of handling a dispute after all. Kinda suits the pompous *ss thing going on there.


Neat stuff on this site.





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Oh, God. I am so, so sorry. T_T


I'm actually really good gramatically and such. I just tend to confuse dual and duel. One of those hang-ups that everyone has with the English language despite age, ya know?


And yeah, flintlocks are my second favorite kind of gun (after revolvers), so no worries about me not recognizing them. I just thought I'd mention that I'd like to see it as revolvers. That is, I thought I'd mention it because I thought this was for a dual gun-wielding mod. T_T


And also yeah, Tenpenny Tower seems like a good place to put 'em. Some antique flintlock gunpowder pistols would fit in well in a safe or display case in Tenpenny Tower.


God, I sound like a total airhead. I mean, I'm a spaz, but not an airhead. T_T

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Dual wielding Pistols is near impossible, Custom animators are few and far, and considering the trouble its been to put duel wielding anim's into the gamebryo engine i wouldn't get your hopes up on this anytime soon ^^; But I'm sure Someone could do the single pistol! =3
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To MythWisper:


If you look at the posts above, you will find that he clarified the request by saying that he DOES NOT want dual wielding guns, he wants DUEL guns, these are single guns, read the above posts before you post, and don't mistake DUAL for DUEL!

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I have a .70 caliber black powder Handcannon that I inherited, I can make some X/Y/Z axis photos if anyone wants.


These pistols look like something you'd definitely find in a display case in a DC building too.


After I have a few more week's experience with Blender, and if no one else has then, I'll make a model of it.



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