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Car crashing 2 mods together, thoughts and speculations


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Ok, first a bit of background. I am running 2 mods, which are absolutely fantastic, and in my opinion do absolutely essential things, but there a hitch. They aren't compatible.


The first one I am sure many of you are familiar with, Kvatch rebuilt there is a whole team of modders who have put that together, but if your interested, you can check their website currently here Kvatch Website


The other is Main quest delayer with working Kvatch by Velzeul.


The problem is that you can't run them at the same time, the main problem is that if you do you get a duplication of some NPC's. They do however share a lot of data regarding the city itself.


I am planning to combine these two mods into one tasty pack, or at least "fix" Velzeuls mod so that you dont have to deactivate it to go through the main quest and enjoy Kvatch rebuilt. I am going to do this for a few reasons.


I STRESS NOW: That until I manage to get approval from Velzeul and the Kvatch rebuilt team (or find it in their readmes) that this mod will remain for personal use, though I hope to get a reply letting me upload it once complete.


i) I jump between characters. Alot. And although yes I can switch mods depending on my character, its complicated, and I know one day I will screw up.



ii)Its minor, but it bugs me that the inhabitants talk about the rebuilding of Kvatch before its even been destroyed yet.


iii) It would just be easier this way.



Ok, now on to the speculation.


I assume that Velzeul tapped directly into the new world from Kvatch rebuilt for the city interior.

I also assume that he used the updated version of the world cell outside the city so that it seems normal until the quest has started.


I know that Kvatch rebuilt doesn't start to tidy things up until after you start the quests to rebuild it, including the area around Kvatch.


What I plan to do is copy the changes made around Kvatch from Kvatch rebuilt, then set those to turn off when the main quest begins. The outside will in my opinion be the trickiest part here.


Duplicate entirely the new Kvatch world and associated interiors, and renaming them "old Kvatch" to suit the new mod and prevent conflicts. . With this 2 new doors will be included to allow travel between the city and the external world. It will be by deactivating these doors that I will cut off access to "Old Kvatch" once the main quest has begun.


I will leave everything that happens with Kvatch after the main quest has started to the Kvatch rebuilt mod, it is my intention that my mod will have "completed" and removed its doors before this begins, allowing complete compatibility.


Once thats going, will be a simple matter to put a quest stage flag on the minor Kvatch topics causing continuity errors. I am not going to bother moving anything belonging to the player into new Kvatch, I will just assume anything you left there was destroyed or looted in the attack.



I guess what I am asking is can anyone think of anything I have missed, or see an area which I assuming will be simple when in actual fact it will be a complete sod. (I am expecting the duplication of Kvatch to be long and tedious, but hopefully not difficult.)

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