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Anyone doing pre-configured fallout3 directories, zipped up, and ready to drop in?


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Itt it would be a good thing for those of you that are excellent at mixing and matching the most popular mods together, if you were to set up your fallout 3 with things like MMM, FWE, FOOK2, WMK, RH_IronSights, EVE, Darn UI, NMC(performance) any dependent bridge patches to offer a file that noobs like me can just unzip and drop into our fallout directories.


This probably wouldn't take as long as actually making mod content, and I really do think it would be extremely useful for many people, and you'd have a lot of influence for making such a file because modding noobs would be playing with what would essentially be your edition.



I guarantee you, many people have problems installing the most popular mods and getting them to play well together, installing the prerequisites, figuring out compatibility issues, making merged patches, load-order, etc etc.



I tried it. Its beyond me. I spent days trying to set it up, and let me tell you that trying to mod FO3 this week has been like rocket science that ended in an unrecoverable disaster.


But I know that I cannot be along in this, and I think it could be fun for a council of elders to get together, form a consensus on ready to copy-paste mod packs, with no research, no configuring, no experimenting, pre-QA'd, and guaranteed to work improvements over the vanilla FO3.


Just an idea. Let me know if something like this already exists, thanks!

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