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Detecting the ACTUAL cost of a spell doesn't work


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I have a simple Light spell with a Magicka cost of 17. My Illusion skill is 75. Whenever I try to let a script read the cost, it returns the value 10 with "Player.GetSpellMagickaCost <Spell>", and value 23 with just "GetSpellMagickaCost <Spell>"





It says:


If called on a reference it will use the reference's magic skill values to determine the actual magicka cost of the spell.



Well, it's not working. It should return the value 17... Has anyone any idea how I can let a script read Magicka Cost?


Thanks for your help

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Returns the magicka casting cost according to the Oblivion formula.

There is a difference between what the normal cost and the actual cost are. Skills/attributes influence them.

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