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Splinter the Chef (or Medic)


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Okay, my idea:


Splinter is a non-feral Glowing One living in Underworld. Being a Glowing One, he's a bit of a freak, even by Underworld's standards. He's easy to spot, since he wears an Advanced Radiation Suit. Not to protect himself, but to protect any non-Ghouls from the radiation he constantly emits. Even stranger: In a world where food is either mutated or 200 years old, he's taught himself how to cook using old pre-war cookbooks.


He can be found in the Inn in Underworld, where he makes the food that's sold in the diner part of the inn. Most of the food sold, however, is scavenged, not made by him. If you speak to Splinter, he'll offer you some food he cooked himself. If the player accepts and eats it, they can tell Splinter what they thought of it. If the player says it's good, Splinter will thank the player, who then can offer Splinter the job of joining him/her, where his food will be appreciated. For evil characters, the player can tell Splinter his food sucks, and when he apologized the player can offer to take the Glowing One with him/her to improve his skills.


Splinter's mechanics is that he's essentially an infinite supply of food, albeit only being able to dispense some periodically. He can be told to Wait, has his own sandbox animations, and can be fired and sent back to Underworld. His skills, however, are not combat-based. His tagged skills are Medicine, Science, and Repair, none of which are used in the conventional sense, but instead used for cooking. Likewise, his SPECIAL stats lie mostly in varying high levels of Perception (for selecting ingredients), Endurance (for kitchen heat), Intelligence (for recipes), Agility (for speedy preparations), and Luck (for experimenting with new foods). He severely lacks in Strength and Charisma, probably close to 1. He is set to avoid enemies, but will heal the player automatically during a fight, presumably with quickly given rations.


Granted, he does not actually cook any food, as that would interfere with other cooking mods, which are much more immersive. Rather, he is simply a supplier of food and aid during battle. To improve his usefullness, it is possible that he can restore or speed up the regeneration of AP.


Naturally, as Splinter is fairly useless for the practical player, this mod is mostly done for flavoring. But any suggestions to improve it's appeal are welcome.


An alternative is for Splinter to be a medic, located in The Chop Shop of Underworld. He will automatically give the player Stimpaks, Super Stimpaks, RadAway, Rad-X, Med-X, and possibly other chems, and will give the player chems periodically if asked. I would like to incorporate a Trauma Pack on his back if he is to be a medic (look it up on the Wiki, it's from a previous Fallout game), which would require some help with meshes and textures. While a medic is much more practical, I suggested a chef first, since I have already seen a mod for a medic follower, and food and cooking is something not touched upon much in Fallout 3 (apparent by the fact that food items are worthless for how much they heal and how much they weigh).


Any ideas? Thoughts? Suggestions? Please comment. Thank you.

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Yeah, probably :P.


Ok, so he's just a non feral glowing-one ghoul that has a medic backpack and automatically heals you when necessary. The story behind it is nice, but I don't see anything practical.. When will you be healed, is it optional? At what percentage do your receive these meds and are they final/definite or changeable and possible to set. The Radiation suit is (normally) impossible for the simple fact creatures can't wear armor. But changing the color of the skin of a normal ghoul could get you close without any trouble:


Although I wonder how the armor will look when the glowing effect is added to the skin...or don't you want him to glow? If you want that real feral-ghoul face you'd either find a good modeler attaching the rad suit to the body of the creature...(if even possible to do) or skip the suit.


Tell this and there'll be something to work on... The backpack is the least of your problems. This one can be used as long as proper credit is giving to the owner of that and the mod it was based on.


The Eating part could just be added as a part of the story, the medical uses will just be an extra when he joins the party.

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