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Yield sign with exclamation mark in Oblivion...


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ok i started playing this game for a while and i got madness and amber armor thingys so i looked in my inventory and there was no picture so i dropped it to see what it would look like but instead of the armor being dropped... yield signs showed up with exclamation marks in the middle of it...








(P.S. When i go to the place called "A strange door" in the middle of the ocean it shows a LOT of these sign things and thats all it shows)

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Yes, that's right. The game is designed to give you these symbols when it cannot find the actual picture ( texture/mesh ) of the thing it's supposed to be showing you. This is a common problem when installing mods which need to have these things manually added by you to the mesh & texture files inside your Data file. Adding them gives you a scary sounding message, by the way, but don't worry, it's actually perfectly safe.

Anyway, if these things were supposed to come with the main expansions, then something obviously went very wrong with the installation. In that case these mesh/texture should have been automatically added, but weren't. I don't know why, but yes, a reinstall of the Shivering Isles might be the Fix.

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Then how did you get it?


If you don't have a disc for it, I assume you downloaded it. If you downloaded it from a reputable legal service (from the Beth website, steam or D2D, then you should be allowed to retrieve another copy of the download from them.


If however you got it via a torrent site or such, then you'll have to ask somewhere else. There are strict rules regarding those things here.

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