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Am i the only one who has to restart the pc every time a mod is installed, in order to get it working?


seems everytime i have a new plugin selected in OBMM it won't become an active mod untill i've reset my pc and it does it's usual register and save changes thing.

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This is the first time I have heard of this problem. My guess would be something like a firewall or AV program is blocking you. But then it shouldn't work even after a restart. Can you give us any more details?

If you are using Vista

For Vista related problems such as UAC, Check here:


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I have Microsoft XP on my PC, i generally don't use the windows firewall as i've found my web security is strong (Trend Micro series) it's possible that could be blocking me but like you said it shouldn't work even after the restart. don't know what else would be relevant. I assume OBMM alone is meant to be great at esp management, unless there's a sister program to it that would be a benefit...
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