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Buyable slaves, Strong Back and Eye Candy.


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So far all the buyable slave mods I’ve seen, the PC buys a brainwashed bodyguard slave like Clover. To me a slave like Clover would be a rarity, just for the effort to brainwash them. My mod suggestion is for two NPC slaves.


Strong Back – A passive follower (does not get counted as a follower) who can carry a lot of equipment. This slave can be left at one of the residences until you want them. This NPC is used like a pack-mule. You can not arm him and when there are hostiles near by he will crouch down with his hands over his head.


Eye Candy – Is really a frivolous NPC, you can of cause choose what she wears. You can leave her at one of the residences where she will walk around looking good. If she is with you Black Widow dialogue options can open up. You can not arm her and when there are hostiles near by she will crouch down with her hands over her head. (A male version could be made “Toy Boy?”)


You could buy them from Eulogy Jones in the same dialogue tree where you would buy the Lamplight kids.


I hope someone will give this one a go.

Feed back welcome.

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The SCC mod looks interesting but I’m not looking to create a slave army. It does not mesh with my style of play (a stealthy sniper). After I have cleared a section of hostiles I want to go get my slave to carry all the stuff I’ve scavenged so I don’t have to do half a dozen trips. Then I want to go back to “My Megaton House” and look at my other slave dressed up in Sexy Sleepwear”.
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