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Zelda mod


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We could make it like you start off as a Hyrulien and then you go on a huge quest based on the one like zelda ocerina of time

link is you companion

you meet the 3 main races and do their quests (maby not te same as zelda)

meet zelda do some other stuff (still needs more plot i know)

and in the end you kill ganondorf

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Why do we have to kill Ganondorf this time? Why must he always suffer? I say this time he joins the team in a quest to stop a common enemy that is to dangerous for even him to take on alone. But yeah, I like where this is headed. The races would help with the quests, and gathering stuff and doing stuff to furthure help with the quest.
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can we please not turn oblivion into zelda honestly. maybe just make something where zelda had been transported to cyrodill and we have to help her get back or something i dunno. and your character can play as link because on the journey you find his cheap green clothes and the master sword. just not a completley new game haha.



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