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Missing Mages Robes Textures


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i don't know what i've done, but suddenly all mages robe (master, apprentice, etc) textures are gone. Even some other standard robe (like the blue robe and the green robe) textures are missing.


Maybe someone can upload or send me the missing textures, since i don't want to reinstall the game. I'm using a whole bunch of mods but none ever interfered with robes.



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You already have the textures. They are on your Oblivion CD ROM. You can use BSA commander to unpack them.


But alas, I fear it is not that simple. Somewhere in your mod list is a bad mod. The best thing would be to hunt it down and remove it or repair it.


Alternately, maybe you could create a mod which assigned the vanilla textures to the vanilla robes and place the mod at the end of your load order so it will be after your bad mod.


Do not reinstall your game. That would be a disruptive waste of time.


To prove that you have a bad mod somewhere, temporarily disable every single one of your mods and play-test the game. I bet all the robes will be perfectly normal like you want them to be.

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i already guessed that some mod has something to do with it, and that the textures are not really gone. Unfortunately i have no idea what the BSA commander is or how it works. Futhermore, i've never created a mod myself. I just recently decided to start using the modmanager-tool, but i still don't like all the omod file stuff.


What i'm going to try is just what u suggested, checking every modfile one by one (about 200 -.- ) and trying to locate the error. Maybe starting with the latest mods i've installed.


So far thanks, and i would welcome every advice, hint or help on this matter.


greetz and :thanks:

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