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Enclave Commander Wh40k mod Startup problem


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Downloaded The Enclave commander Warhammer 40k mod and installed it via these steps:


1) paste all the the folders (the meshes, sound and textures) into the Data folder in your Fallout 3 directory.



2) choose 1 of the 6 different ESP and paste it on your data folder.



3) Download the "ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated" and activate it.



4) Download the "Fallout mod manager" and Checkmark the "EnclaveCommander SMv.esp". (don't start the game yet)



5) download Fose or you won't be able to play the mod. Paste all the FOSE files on your fallout3

folder (not the Data folder!!)



6) the picture "How to start FOSE and ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated" will help you so if you don't know what to do

next, open it and see it.


7) Start the game via FOSE and have fun.




However in Fallout mod manager if i dont check the mod in i can start the game as normal, but as soon as i check it and start it via FOSE the screen goes black for a second and then i see the mouse icon, then it crashes and i fall right back into the desktop.


The Patch-Reqs on the mod is none but FOSE requires a later version, so i used a 1,5 patch lying around on my comp and i installed it before i modded the game.


Is it necessary for me to have the latest patch? and if so can i just patch it right on without messing up the mod?

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