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[Ideas] Making heartfire baking and cooking more interesting


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Hello, a noob writer would like to have a small moment of your time. Thank you. A fact we all know is that Heartfire baking is lame and less effort to do :down: .

Also the baked foods have bad stats and needed ingrediements are somewhat boring to harvest. I would like get a some sort of improvement to it.

My head is at he moment of writing building a huge pile of ideas that could be made.

The key difference is which ideas would be worth of making. Just trying my luck here :laugh:

Here are few ideas and what I personally like to see:

  • A chef hat that will improve cooked and baked food stats up
  • House steward can get the needed basic&exotic ingrediements, for a small fee
  • More recipies for both baking cooking and maybe making your own drinks (migrating from other mods or asking nicely to add his/her mod)
  • Be a Gourmet's deciple or buy Gourmet's book to get these new recipes. Dragonborn is supposed to be even better chef than Gourmet, eh?
  • If not a mood at all, delegate both baking and cooking to your spouse or hire a personal chef

What do you think? How would you improve Heartfire baking&cooking to be more immersive and profitable?

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