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GOTY Edition cant install dlcs!


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EDIT Got to work see end of post


Ok, I just got GOTY (UK) edition and it seems very hard to install! for a GOTY i expected pop your disks in and boom lol...

well not so



I'm using VISTA and when i put the 2nd disk in basically autoplay freezes and it takes your system into dead mode! I tried to shut down my pc waiting for it to read the disk, and it froze me forcing m e to remove my battery


I'm expecting we will get a few people having troubles with GOTY and vista so i thought i would make a thread NOW and see if we the community could provide answers to assist.


I've heard that you have to wait an insane amount of time to have your machine read the file over 10 minutes. this is going to throw off many people who wont know if it IS or isnt working (the install)


anyone ome across this? Have added FOSE into the base install already based off another thread i found on the net, but that of course wont install the disc.


If some decent answers come out of this, maybe someone can sticky and save the million threads asking how to fix the dlc install problem



PS also tried accessing the file directly on the cd run as admin, same diff. have mercy lol




EDIT - Ok - It seems that the file takes FOREVER to start, but it DOES start in most cases if you are very very patient. Mine took 15 minutes then.


first autoplay tries to start and may freeze, but wait wait wait


if that method isnt going to start (in autoplay attempt to click on run, then wait) then go to the file itselt ont he cd, the setup.exe and right click run as admin. And Wait




I've NEVER in 20 odd years of gaming seen such a weird and delayed install, period! Its going to cause a lot of grief out there that's for sure esp with new users of pc's and the such.


anyway hope this helps anyone who ecounters it. if people stil have problems, please post them here and i hope we can all help.



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