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Mr. Burke CTD


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Okay, when Im in Megaton and I walk up to Mr. Burke, I CTD. No reason, just, kaput. My load order is:


Fallout 3.esm






Unofficial Fallout Patch.esm

Unofficial Fallout Patch - Operation: Anchorage.esm

Unofficial Fallout Patch - The Pitt.esm

Unofficial Fallout Patch - Broken Steel.esm

Unofficial Fallout Patch - Point Lookout.esm

Unofficial Fallout Patch - Mothership Zeta.esm

DK_Bullet Time.esp

Classic Fallout Weapons BETA.esp


Tailor Maid Anchorage.esp

Tailor Maid Brokensteel.esp

Tailor Maid PITT.esp


Tailor Maid.esp



Any and all help appreciated.

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There's no real need to talk to or even get near burke unless you're evil and it's a lot better to disarm the bomb, so just do the good side and if the problem persists when you enter the area where he used to be, then you have a serious problem.


Also, not sure if this is true for fallout, but I think you're supposed to have dlcs last in the load order

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Well personal morality aside, I don't like having any form of unexplained crash. If there's a problem here, there is probably a problem elsewhere too. Also, if a quest NPC wanders over there, and I want to talk to them, Burke says "Hi!", I crash. If I kill him, I can go over there, since its not an issue with the area itself, I think it's just a problem with the script used to make him greet me.
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.esm files cannot load last, and all the DLCs are .esm (master).


To resolve mod conflicts, you really need two things:


1. Timeslip's Fallout Mod Manager to help you install (fomods), manage and set the load order of your mods; and


2. FO3Edit by ElminsterAU. You'll want Miax's FO3Edit Guide - Web-enized in order to use it to its fullest potential to find and resolve mod conflicts, as well as running it in Master Update Mode to deal with some Bethesda issues. (Okay, technically with the guide that's three things! This Monty Python Spanish Inquisition moment has been brought to you by Abraxo and Nuka Cola! :biggrin: )

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