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Sith Assassin Armor


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at the truth in there comments. the amount of times you have moaned at me for something so little, like, thinking the site was down and no one could see my comments, im sorry, maybe i should be arrested.

Yu mean, the time you posted a post about your posts that Buddha himself shut down?


Yes, that soooo like putting up helpful pictures.

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i play kotor haha. probley loads of people here. number two is my fav!!!


For me KOTOR 2 is just boring copy of great KOTOR

Weeel, there may be some truth to that. It's certainly got a more confusing plot.

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they are slowly rebuilding kotor 2 :P


some good mods for it, someone is re texturing the hole game, making it 4024x4048 and someother parts 2024x2044 whatever the res is not sure, but really high. but of course, oblivion mods so much better ;)

Yeah, Oblivion mods are better, mostly because Bethesda partly designed Oblivion to be modded, made everything modular and set up a system to mod the game with, and an easy way to install mods. Kotor doesn't have that.

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I wasn't being snarky, and I don't not like you. You actually have intelligent things to say. But the point I'm making is that you can use the edit button to put all the pictures in the same post. But even if all the posts are within minutes, I will point out that I once saw you pounce on someone for bumbing their own post even though their posts that they were bumbing it with were within minutes of each other, I think the longest gap of time for that post was at most 5 minutes. So, you really can't go around be snarky at people for something you claim to dislike and than turn around and do it yourself.


But, that aside, I loved playing KOTR, and would also like to once again be a sith. Yep, I said it, I was sith. >:)

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Ohhh my Lorddddy lord lord.


I remember KoTOR


I effing loved it.

Still play it to this day. And I think 1 was better than 2.

'ere, 'ere! Kotor was awesome.


And, I must admit the plot and acting was better in 1, and there weren;t plot holes so bug you drive a Star Destroyer through them, but I'm kinda fond of Atris.


She's hot. I mean, the whole Jedi Ice Queen act is such a turn-on, and that accent...

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