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YAY managed to get the pc version and wow its alot better then any console version, my comp can load it in 4secs, thats with my Phenom and ssd drive, amazing. Thats everything cranked up at 45fps actually make that 60 woot, with a little tweaking here and there.


Playinng as Lillith right now pc version.

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I play a Mordecai specialized in Rogue tree. Can you say epic Bloodwing action?


I'm in the Arid Badlands in P2, and I've got like eight Eridian items, a surprisingly awesome green sniper rifle (beats every purple and orange I've found o.O), and my Bloodwing does all of the following:


1. Moves quickly and deals 2x normal damage (usually ends the total in the 3.5k area)

2. Pickpockets enemies (Wads of money are epic win.)

3. Explodes. (Explosion Artifacts are niiiiiice.)

4. Leeches 35% of damage as health for me. (Full healing on Angry Pup Skags is entertaining.)

5. Dazes anything my level or lower. (Good fight, BadMutha enemies.)


Damn, my Bloodwing is sexy.

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