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Just wondering, can you helps?


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I've been downloading mods, for a while now, but now i'm totally confused. I remember while downloading the mods, the .esp file had an icon, and now its just a plain empty icon, how can i get the .esp icon? I'm more used to the red and sword looking icon, >_<
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Well, the icon for a file is determined by what program will start if you double click on that icon. I have never seen this red sword icon, so you obviously have a program that I don't.


If the empty icon has replaced the red sword, you either deleted that program or installed a new one that also looks at .esps and it replaced the red sword icon.



What you want to do is right click on any .esp file, roll over Open With, and then click on Choose Default Program. A list of programs that can run .esps will open up. You should see your red sword icon program, whatever it is, in that list. If you don't, you'll have to find it in your harddrive somewhere, or install it again if you uninstalled it.


Finally, once you are able to select that program from the list, check off "Always use the selected program to open this kind of file".


It should go back to the idon. If it doesn't, restart windows.



That's all the help I can give you. If it isn't working, well, you don't really need that icon anyway, as the Oblivion Launcher and OBMM and Wrye Bash will load your mods just fine even if the icon is the McDonald's logo.

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