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So, in the NMA review of Fallout 3 they note the odd inconsistancies; mostly the large number of working computers in varying portions of the wastes, but also the major plot issue; radiated water and the tricks of filtration. This got me thinking about other oddities; 2 hundred years into the future shouldn't have many people camping out in burnt out buildings with working radio stations; they'd have scavanged most of the buildings for materials and fortified what they have, what with all the killing things out there.


What would justify the whole thing? What could make the pieces fit? Why, the same thing as usual; a crazy guy with all the power needed.


Enter the Preservitron, a faulty Mr Handy repurposed by a survivor of the initial war programmed to preserve the historical accuracy of the DC area. It gets confused easily, most often mistaking the passage of time for interferance from temporal raiders. By itself, not an impressive entity, but as a mechanical mastermind for a machine army? As a direct contact for Liberty Prime? As an agent who actively reprocesses people into supermutants fitted with anamatronic chips to create the rampaging cannibal horde because that's what its records show?


The mod itself doesn't sound like a full conversion; a lair for Preservitron, a spawnable 'historical accuracy' party of robots for high level combat, affecting the supermutant AI if they get hit with a pulse effect, retooling the scene with 3 Dog so notes are passed back and forth, and some new endings to deal with the new 'final boss.'


I haven't really played with the Geck yet, so if anyone has any tips on how to get this thing running, they'd be appreciated.

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