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modern tanks


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Title says it all methinks... basically want modern mbt's like the abrams or challenger... there's already a chimera tank mod with rotating turret + stuff so it should be possible (here's hoping!) the only problem i can think of is the tracks moving... but since the chimera has those things that make it move so... any thoughts??? (Even better) does anyone want to make it?


For those of you that can't find your own pictures here are some:


http://www.fprado.com/armorsite/Abrams_Pic...AMS-svg-001.jpg - m1a2 abrams


http://www.enemyforces.net/tanks/challenger2_2.jpg - challenger 2

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There's no point in posting if you just complain. This guy wants to see tanks. I think that's a cool idea. If you don't see it that way, don't comment. 'Tis quite unproductive. However, the laser tank idea is intruiging, at least. Given the '50s flying car craze, I think a plasma hover tank would be better. Something like that Hover Chair mod mixed with the O:A Chimera Tank.
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I have this thing - M41 Walker from the Korean War




but I don't feel like takeing the time to put it into the game or anything, because I would rather be modeling other things, but if you want to do the work I can send you the file


That's awesome. IF you'd be willing to throw some Techy bits on it to make it more scifi it would be perfect. Some tubes, some tanks, maybe a coaxial minigun and a three pronged barrel like on the P94 Plasma Rifle... it would be perfect!


There's no point in posting if you just complain. This guy wants to see tanks. I think that's a cool idea. If you don't see it that way, don't comment. 'Tis quite unproductive. However, the laser tank idea is intruiging, at least. Given the '50s flying car craze, I think a plasma hover tank would be better. Something like that Hover Chair mod mixed with the O:A Chimera Tank.


I'm an old school hardcore fan. Notice my sig? I have the right to complain about what ever I damned well please. :verymad:


That said, considering how much Fallout runs on pop culture references, as long as you can find a way to slip in in without making it stand out, I'm for it. Its why I complained about modern tanks but offered up the idea of taking a older tank and making it look like something retrotech.


Hell, I wouldn't even complain about your Gunslinger Girls mod (tres vomit) if you found a way to seamlessly integrate it.

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It's not hard at all to integrate my GSG mod into Fallout lore. The show is pretty serious, and has pretty well explained technology.


Basically, the Italian government, after their country was blown to bits, barely hung on. They contacted the Commonwealth over in the US, and in exchange for their cyborg tech, they'd be allowed to seek refuge. Simple as that, really. But that's off topic.


IIRC, J3X made a working Chimera Tank, and there's also a tank model and texture somewhere out there, so maybe someone could get him to make it with that stuff.

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That's awesome. IF you'd be willing to throw some Techy bits on it to make it more scifi it would be perfect. Some tubes, some tanks, maybe a coaxial minigun and a three pronged barrel like on the P94 Plasma Rifle... it would be perfect!


I could do that pretty easy


but im not going to, at least not anytime soon



now if someone wants to take the time to put it into the game I would consider it, but at the moment I have a lot of other things I have to be doing



later on I plan on re-designing the tank to fit the group on my mod, but if I do get around to doing that it will be a long time from now

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Basically, the Italian government, after their country was blown to bits, barely hung on. They contacted the Commonwealth over in the US, and in exchange for their cyborg tech, they'd be allowed to seek refuge. Simple as that, really. But that's off topic.


The European governments were nuked to crap 200 years ago, and the commonwealth is just a nickname for the Mass region. The Institute is just the remains of MIT which maintained a high tech level. On that note, the US government already had a rather superb set of cybernetics themselves. For example, in the original fallout you could get a wide battery of cybernetic performance enhancements from the Brotherhood of Steel. This continued into the second one where they were even more enhancements you could get.


Best way to use the "Gunslinger Girls" would simply to do what Black Isles did when they introduced characters from other series... make them Expies.

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