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modern tanks


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I can think of a bunch of things that don't belong in fallout for retro 50s look. But you really don't have a right to complain. If your not willing to put as much energy into making something productive as you do complaining then whats the point in complaining at all waste of energy. If it bothers you that much don't download the mod instead of wasting your time complaining about it make your own vision of a mod. That's what moddings about your own ideals and being able to implement them in game yourself. Most mods are made for the creator not for the public. Make your Sherman tank with the laser cannon on it. Otherwise complaining about someone else's ideas is waste of energy if your never gonna use it anyways.
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I just hate when people are so anal that it has to fit the 1950's era. It's a mod. It's not like you have to have it to run your game properly. I mean look at alexscorpion for an example, his mods aren't based out of the game's era, but they are still wonderful mods.




There's an aesthetic style to stick to. If you don't then you're just being lazy.


Lol at 300 reference. Anyway, What would really be cool is if you didn't just have a main cannon, (I really don't know what to call it) but a small turret for a follower to use. That way you can carry a folower, AND gun down enemys at the same time. Also, There are a LOT of ways to integrate old pre-war army paraphernalia into the game. You could just say some old military base used it, or completely remodel the graphics. It depends on what you want to do and how imaginative you are, that's just up to the creator of the mod.

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Wasn't there a rule instituted just after the inception of Fallout Nexus, saying you couldn't criticize someone's mod just because it wasn't lore friendly?


Yeah, just because it doesn't follow the game lore, it doesn't give you the right to criticize someone for requesting non-lore-friendly mods. It's tantamount to harassment.


It's been said before, but I'll reiterate: there are tons of mods out there to fit everyone tastes. And not all of them are going to be lore friendly. If that doesn't suit you, then don't download it. We don't want to hear how much you don't like non-lore mods. That's neither constructive nor informational.


Poor spazzization here needs someone who can help him get a tank into the game, not meaningless complaints that tanks don't belong in it.

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