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modern tanks


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a tank would be hard to get around with all the debri, but it would be awesome, make it hover, then there is the fact that nothing else hardbodied exists in the game that is that big, the chimera exists only in flat areas for a reason, just noteing some technical issues
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hmm, methinks at this rate ill have 2 knock something 2gether on blender myself at this rate... (no offence 2 any1)


Well, you could always ask tony to borrow that M41 Walker...


And for the love of god man, this is not a text message. There is no reason to not properly spell out "to" or "together" or "anyone". It doesn't make you sound cool.

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All I'll say is this: on the Internet, your sentences are your identity, and it drives how people perceive you... Making the extra effort to properly capitalize, punctuate, spell, and utilize grammar go a long way towards having people take you seriously... You don't have to be perfect, but still....
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on a side note.


Maybe it could be a futureistic (sp?) tank, I mean with the mothership zeta pack. maybe just maybe there could be an alien tank on board, that you could beam down. that would be cool. and it would fit, that scifi theme.

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on a side note.


Maybe it could be a futureistic (sp?) tank, I mean with the mothership zeta pack. maybe just maybe there could be an alien tank on board, that you could beam down. that would be cool. and it would fit, that scifi theme.


Gods no. Zeta never really fit with the rest of the game.


Just stick to something old retro and American

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im telling you, the game was not made to have something that big moving around, you will have to do some clever tricks to keep it from getting stuck, a walker or hovertank would be easier than something with treads, i have screwed around with scaling on morrowind races (giants are fuun) it was hard to get around, and you would maybe have trouble with the AI's responses to the tank.

wow thats a lot of text :whistling:

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