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one last thing here, when you console command any thing that is quest linked? you break the code, quest stages are linked to the triggers, the very triggers you seek are removed, a s reset is done to all that is linked to the items.


a mod called tenpenny towers reset, has the commands that resets the Entire quest.

but once this has been ran, you must remove the esp from the game, otherwise it's an endless loop.


achievements are at play here. The game keeps track of all you do, consoling things that trigger other things breaks the game because you have not walked thru the triggers yet.


"The Cart before the horse"

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there is a simple way to demonstrate what i mean here you can do.

sense your dealing with "Blowing up megaton", that I can show you how the game really works.


install rr compaions vault 1 mod.

install rr refubished by fry over top of that.

skip all the other companion stuff.

go thru the door inside megatons cell just outside of the players house into vault 1 and then exit else where.

remember where to leave vault 1 from, it's important.

go to megaton and proceed with the normal quest and then tenpenny tower, init the activity , now leave the tower...go investigate megaton, to set the front gate trigger which tells the game you blew it up.

return to vault 1 where to exited. go back thru vault one to the megaton internal Entrance ,enter megaton .Behold, it's all still there...but you can not leave VIA megaton, if you do? you crash the game, you leave via vault 1.


this is time reset, hidden things set into place by the code overwriting other code, inter connected cells that do not interfere with each other.

what this is , is how the game works. Your not supposed to have access to a cell once it's replaced, but you will have because the scripts are not involved with vault ones refurbished mod. refurbished introduces the Time travel ability.

the game engine has leaks, big massive leaks.

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Oh, no, I'm aware that when you skip ahead by using SetStage or restartquest you're going to come across broken triggers. For example, when I wanted to complete "Big Trouble In Bigtown" for the second time the trigger where Dusty yells "Muties! The muties are coming" was broken along with the Super Mutants themselves which forced me to resurrect them to kill them again and when they were all dead, everyone was stuck in the middle of Bigtown when they were supposed to be cheering. However, I was able to fix this by using the "set ms01.townCheer to -2" command.


Anyways, so far, everything that I have "broken" by restarting and setting stages I have been able to find another command to work around it. I have to ask, is there a way to keep everything the way I've already done it and have Burke live in Tenpenny03 with dialogue? So, you're telling me that Mister Burke's sandbox scriptpackage and dialogue are tied with the arming and detonation triggers? Well, what are the commands for those triggers?


If I were to use a follower mod or import default dialogue to Mister Burke, would it stick to him forever in my save or would I have to load an .esp file every time? I mean default as in already in-game dialogue. I know there's a Burke follower mod but the mod author made it so that he'll only join you if you destroyed Megaton. Also, do you think you can link me to that Tenpenny Tower reset mod? I may need it in the short future.


All I wish to accomplish is getting Mister Burke moving and speaking in Tenpenny03.

Edited by VirtualVictory
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is there a way to keep everything the way I've already done it and have Burke live in Tenpenny03 with dialogue?

That data is stored in the saved game file on exit if you do not alter it it should remain, but ,as you know, fallout 3 on init will in fact reset some things.


Well, what are the commands for those triggers?

IN the geck Isolate him. cut all that does not belong to him out, all quest stages tied to him include dialog triggers from the guards down to the front desk ,He is "expecting you". The Object, that brief case is Tied directly to these commands.


If I were to use a follower mod or import default dialogue to Mister Burke, would it stick to him forever in my save or would I have to load an .esp file every time?

If you design the esp plugin to BE repeatable then yes. Otherwise once the quest has been done, it's logged in as completed and other scripts fall into place locking out those that have been completed and sorted in the saved game file.


What your asking about is very Deep my friend. So much so, that Bethesda has posted this very fact. The importance of how that saved game file works.

How the game "engines" deal with data.


All I wish to accomplish is getting Mister Burke moving and speaking in Tenpenny03

I'll make you that plugin, it's faster that way.



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“I think we’ve gotten way better there,” he says. “For us, [the player’s] saved game is the number one thing. If the game crashes that’s bad, but it is nowhere near as bad as someone’s saved game being hosed. That’s our scenario that we will do anything and everything to avoid. We made a lot of progress given how Skyrim went, but we did it during Skyrim. This just builds on that."





Now, that's directly from the CEO .there is now way around this.

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Here, play with that and see Just how far you can achieve things.


I apologize Kitty, but how would I load/open this file in the G.E.C.K ? Throughout the years I've never really had to modify .esp files but now I'm going to be doing it quite often as I desire to complete each quest in multiple ways, reset scripts, dialogue and AI packages. I installed your BurkeForceGreetAtDetonator.esp but so far all I noticed it did was remove the idle animation where Mr Burke shields his eyes. He still has no dialogue and won't greet me unfortunately. =(


In the mean time, I'm going to continue playing with the G.E.C.K. to try and find the command that causes Burke to wander around Tenpenny03. It's got to be tied to the MS11 or Detonator script, come on! It's right in front of me, I just can't find it. >:|






Scriptname MS11Script
;GLOBAL MegatonDestroyed ;flag set when megaton blows up 0 = unset, 1 = blown up
short bombKnowledge ;0 = player doesn't know about the bomb, 1= player knows about the bomb -- used as condition in MS11Dialog MS11LucasBombMenu
short Disarm
short BlowUp
short BurkeBonus
short SimmsBonus
short SimmsTold
short LeoChem
short justKidding ;player told Simms he was kidding about Burke
short nukeExploding ;set in MS11DetonatorScript and used to conditionalize Burke's dialog while the nuke animation plays
short doOnce
short discussedBombWithSimms
short battle ;1 = start battle between Simms and Burke
short battleStage ;incremented to control MS11BattleTopic conversation
short BurkeKilledSimms ;1 = Burke killed Simms (or was going to and Simms died) -- set in LucasSimmsScript and used as condition on Burkes packages
short BurkeFailMsg ;0 = didn't show message, 1 = have already shown message about Burke being killed/disabled and not getting reward, don't show it again (used in MS0bjectives Stage 11 items)
short SimmsFailMsg ;0 = didn't show message, 1 = have already shown message about both Simms's being killed, don't show it again (used in MS0bjectives Stage 11 items)
short BurkeTenpennyDiscussNuke ; 1 = have conversation about nuke explodes, -1 = done with conversation -- used as package condition
short BurkeTenpennyDiscusNukeStage ;N = conversation stage, used as condition in conversation stack
short BurkePhillipsConverationStage ;N = conversation stage, used as condition in conversation stack, -1 means conversation is over (used as condition in package)
;Disarm 1 = took the job, Disarm 2 = the bomb has been disarmed, Disarm 3 = Mister Burke informed of disarmament, Disarm 4 = Lucas Simms informed of disarmament
;BlowUp 1 = took the job, BlowUp 2 = refused the job, BlowUp 3 = the bomb has been rigged to blow, BlowUp 4 = the bomb has been detonated, BlowUp 5 == Burke has been driven off
;BurkeBonus -- controls whether or not Burke pays the player a bonus for blowing up Megaton
;SimmsBonus (1 = 100 caps, 2 = 500 caps) -- controls whether or not Simms pays the player a bonus for disarming the bomb
;SimmsTold 1 = Simms told that Burke wants to blow the town, SimmsTold 2 = Simms told that the bomb has been rigged to explode
;LeoChem 1 = player was told that Leo sells chems, LeoChem 2 = Leo has agreed to meet the player to sell chems, LeoChem 3 = Leo has sold the player some chems
Begin GameMode
;Kill Simms if the battle scene is taking place and the player leaves
if LucasSimmsRef.BurkeShouldShootMe >= 1 || MS11.BattleStage >= 1
if LucasSimmsRef.getDead == 0 && MisterBurkeRef.getDead == 0
if player.GetInCell MegatonMoriartysSaloon == 0
LucasSimmsRef.kill MisterBurkeRef
set MS11.BUrkeKilledSimms to 1
set LucasSimmsRef.BurkeShouldShootMe to -2
;for rare (impossible?) case where Harden Simms gets disabled, need to possibly set objective/fail quest
if doOnce == 0
if HardenSimmsRef.getDisabled == 1
setStage MSObjectives 11
set DoOnce to 1






scn MS11BombScript
short button
short skillNeeded ;how much explosives skill is needed to interact with the bomb
short skillNeededDisarm ;how much explosive skill is needed to disarm the bomb
short playerSkill
short doOnce
short dieRoll
short captureButton ;which button press are we tracking
short explodeMe
short camVar ;used as a condition on VATS death camera
short AnglePlayer
float deathTimer
Begin OnActivate
if IsActionRef player == 1
;setup variables (used so we can easily change the skill amounts later)
if skillNeeded == 0
set skillNeeded to 25
set skillNeededDisarm to 25
set playerSkill to player.getAv explosives
if playerSkill < skillNeeded
showMessage MS11BombMessageNoSkill skillNeeded
elseIf MS11.Disarm >= 2
showMessage MS11BombMessageDisarmed
;If player refused pay, they'll get their karma when they talk with Simms.
elseif MS11.blowup >= 3
showMessage MS11BombMessageArmed
set captureButton to 1
showMessage MS11BombMessage
Begin GameMode
;Initial interact with bomb message
if captureButton == 1
set button to getButtonPressed
if button > -1
set captureButton to 0
if button == 0
;Do nothing
elseif button == 1
;Disarm bomb if player has high enough skill
if playerSkill >= skillNeededDisarm
set MS11.Disarm to 2
setQuestObject FusionPulseCharge 0
setStage MS11 30
showMessage MS11BombMessageDisarmSuccess
playsound OBJMegatonBombTamperArm
;Show a warning if he doesn't have enough skill
showMessage MS11BombMessageDisarmFail skillNeededDisarm
playsound OBJMegatonBombTamperFail
elseif button == 2
;Rig the bomb to explode if the player has the Fusion Pulse Charge
if player.getItemCount FusionPulseCharge >= 1
set MS11.BlowUp to 3
player.removeitem FusionPulseCharge 1
SetStage MS11 40
showMessage MS11BombMessageArmSuccess
playsound OBJMegatonBombTamperArm
;Show a message stating he doesn't have the needed gear if the player doesn't have the Fusion Pulse Charge
showMessage MS11BombMessageArmFail
playsound OBJMegatonBombTamperFail
endif ;/ button > -1
endif ;/ captureButton == 1
if ms11.BombKnowledge == 0
if getDistance player < 800
set ms11.BombKnowledge to 1






scn MS11DetonatorSCRIPT
; This script handles the detonation of Megaton
; + handles animations on the suitcase nuke object
; + handles timing of explosion fx
;============DECALRE VARIABLES================================;
float Timer ; float value holds the timer
float timerLimit ; easy-to-tweak upper limit for the counter
short step ; animation stage
short timerOn
short doShockwave1x
short doGlassBurst1x
short controlsLocked ;used to prevent player from fast traveling while nuke explosion is happening
float controlsTimer
;============ONLOAD BLOCK================================;
begin onLoad
set timerLimit to 20
;============ONACTIVATE BLOCK=====================;
begin onActivate
if IsActionRef player == 1
if step == 0
playgroup forward 0
set step to 1
elseif step == 2
set controlsTimer to 30
set controlsLocked to 1
DisablePlayerControls ;controls restored in GameMode block
playgroup backward 0
set step to 3
set MS11.NukeExploding to 1 ;used as dialog blocker for NPCs while Nuke is exploding so player can't talk to them while it's going off
;set up rumble "quest script parameters"
set ControlRumble.stage1FireOnTimerValue to .5
set ControlRumble.stage1RumbleLeft to .1
set ControlRumble.stage1RumbleRight to .2
set ControlRumble.stage1Duration to .5
set ControlRumble.stage2FireOnTimerValue to 1
set ControlRumble.stage2RumbleLeft to .15
set ControlRumble.stage2RumbleRight to .2
set ControlRumble.stage2Duration to 1
set ControlRumble.stage3FireOnTimerValue to 2
set ControlRumble.stage3RumbleLeft to .25
set ControlRumble.stage3RumbleRight to .2
set ControlRumble.stage3Duration to 1
set ControlRumble.stage4FireOnTimerValue to 3
set ControlRumble.stage4RumbleLeft to .3
set ControlRumble.stage4RumbleRight to .35
set ControlRumble.stage4Duration to 1
set ControlRumble.stage5FireOnTimerValue to 4
set ControlRumble.stage5RumbleLeft to .35
set ControlRumble.stage5RumbleRight to .35
set ControlRumble.stage5Duration to .9
set ControlRumble.stage6FireOnTimerValue to 4.9
set ControlRumble.stage6RumbleLeft to 1
set ControlRumble.stage6RumbleRight to 1
set ControlRumble.stage6Duration to 1.1
set ControlRumble.stage7FireOnTimerValue to 6
set ControlRumble.stage7RumbleLeft to .3
set ControlRumble.stage7RumbleRight to .2
set ControlRumble.stage7Duration to 2
set ControlRumble.stage8FireOnTimerValue to 8
set ControlRumble.stage8RumbleLeft to .1
set ControlRumble.stage8RumbleRight to .2
set ControlRumble.stage8Duration to 2
set ControlRumble.stage9FireOnTimerValue to 10
set ControlRumble.stage9RumbleLeft to .15
set ControlRumble.stage9RumbleRight to .1
set ControlRumble.stage9Duration to 2
set ControlRumble.stage10FireOnTimerValue to 12
set ControlRumble.stage10RumbleLeft to .05
set ControlRumble.stage10RumbleRight to .05
set ControlRumble.stage10Duration to 8
set ControlRumble.timerMaxValue to 20
;see gamemode block for "setStage ControlRumble 1" which gets rumbling
;=============GAMEMODE BLOCK==============================;
begin gameMode
;-------------------LOCK PLAYER CONTROLS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;handle locking controls -- lock starts in onActivate block
if controlsLocked == 1
if controlsTimer <= 0
set controlsLocked to -1
set controlsTimer to controlsTimer - getSecondsPassed
;--------------------EXPLOSION EFFECTS AND QUEST STAGE AND VARIABLE SETTING----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; handle the animation of the suitcase opening and triggering explosion.
if step == 1 && isAnimPlaying == 0
playgroup left 0
set step to 2
elseif step == 3 && isAnimPlaying == 0
demoNukeMarker.placeAtMe megatonNuke
imod MegatonNukeISFX
set timerOn to 1
set Timer to 0
MisterBurkeRef.playIdle MS11ShieldsEyes
set step to 4
;start rumble
setStage ControlRumble 1
; this block handles timing the various stages of the detonation sequence
if timerOn == 1
if Timer >= timerLimit
set timerOn to 0
elseif Timer > 4.11 && doGlassburst1x == 0
set doGlassBurst1x to 1
elseif Timer > 4.9 && doShockwave1x == 0
MS11ShockwaveMarker.placeatme fakeforceball4000
MisterBurkeRef.playIdle MS11MTHitHeadA
set doShockwave1x to 1
elseif Timer > 8 && GetStage MS11 != 60
set MS11.NukeExploding to -1
setStage MS11 60
set MS11.BurkeTenpennyDiscussNuke to 1
elseif Timer < timerLimit
set Timer to (Timer + getSecondsPassed)


scn MS11FinScript
short BurkeCharmed ;set in MS11 dialog if player charmed Burke with Black Widow dialog option
float letterDeliveryDay ;stores the last day a letter arrived, used in dialog with Moriarity to deliver love letters to player
short lettersWaiting ;stores a count of how many letters the player has to pick up -- controls dialog infos
short lettersSent ;how many letters have been sent (so we stop sending them after all of them are sent)
short moved
short assassins ;1 = burke should send assassins -
float debugTimer
Begin GameMode
set debugTimer to debugTimer + getSecondsPassed
if BurkeCharmed != 0
;set up the first delivery day
if BurkeCharmed == 1
set letterDeliveryDay to GameDaysPassed + 7
set BurkeCharmed to 2
;deliver letters
if lettersSent < 4
if letterDeliveryDay <= GameDaysPassed
set lettersSent to lettersSent + 1
set lettersWaiting to lettersWaiting + 1
set letterDeliveryDay to GameDaysPassed + 7
;Make Burke disappear
if moved == 0
;Obsolete - Burke is moved to Tenpenny Tower when the bomb is armed
;The commented out script could cause issues if player trains him out of the world space after he has accepted the quest
; if getStageDone MS11 15 == 1
; if MisterBurkeRef.GetInWorldSpace MegatonWorld == 0 && MisterBurkeRef.GetInZone MegatonZone == 0
; ;he vanishes like the mysterious henchman he is, to appear at Tenpenny Tower
; MisterBurkeRef.moveto xMS11BurkeStandTenpenny
; set moved to 1
; endif
; endif
if MisterBurkeRef.getIsCurrentPackage MS11BurkeFlee == 1
if MisterBurkeRef.getInSameCell player == 0
;he vanished like the myserious henchman he is, and is never seen again
set moved to 1
elseif MS11Fin.BurkeCharmed != 0
if MisterBurkeRef.getInSameCell player == 0
;he vanished like the myserious henchman he is, and is never seen again
set moved to 1
if getStageDone MS11 210 == 1 ;player disarmed bomb and got reward from Simms
if MisterBurkeRef.getInSameCell player == 0
;he vanished like the myserious henchman he is, and is never seen again
set moved to 1
if moved == 1
setQuestDelay MS11Fin 0
set moved to 2

The command I need that triggers Mister Burke's Sandbox package is inside one of these scripts. I just don't know where it is. There's a few that I don't know how to type it into the console and that could very well be the command I need. I was able to make Mister Burke at least speak to be again by using the "Set MS11.Disarm to 3" command although this doesn't fix his scriptpackage or re-enable his dialogue tree.
Edited by VirtualVictory
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Alright, the video is re-uploaded. It shows what's going on in my game save. Mister Burke has no dialogue and just stands there unless you rig the bomb to explode and detonate it. Near the end of the video it shows Mister Burke wandering around Tenpenny sitting in various chairs. That's the script package I'm trying to make him run but I just can't find what makes him tic; what specific command initiates him running the sandbox script?


If you could help me isolate the command I would truly appreciate it and I can move on to my next headache: Tenpenny Tower! ^_^

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Mister Burke has no dialogue and just stands there unless you rig the bomb to explode and detonate it

That's correct, it is supposed to do that.


That's the script package I'm trying to make him run

ok so it's not firing likes it's supposed to.

Have you tried to do this quest prior to entering Tenpenny tower "without console commands?" because that IS breaking the games stages.


How ever, I'll look into that IF I have your saved game at that exact spot "before blowing up megaton".

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