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One texture bug, any ideas appreciated.


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Does anyone know what the possible cause of this bug is? One single texture has this bug with transparency, am I missing a texture or is this a bugged texture in NMC's texture pack (Large).

This is the only texture anywhere that shows an issue and it happens in any indoor space with this type of ceiling.




I am using NMC's (Large) Texture pack as a base, with some textures from Ojo Bueno (all land, sidewalks, but not roads), EWI (Rocks, Caves, Fort/Walls, Tents) and Hectrol (Manhole Covers, Duststorm, Tumbleweed). I also am using various other mods textures but those are all objects and guns so I don't see where they would conflict. I didn't get this problem with the Medium textures.


I am using ENBoost .249 in order to raise the memory limit. 512 MB reserved and 9216 (8096+3072-2048) MB Video Memory. I have disabled all the ENB visual effects but left transparency fix and game fixes enabled. I have water displacement disabled in New Vegas as well as AA and AF. I have forced MSAA using Nvidia inspector, 8xQ with 4x Specular transparency AA, 16x Anisotropic Filtering, -.05 LOD bias allowed to remove distant Z fighting (could this be causing it?) and SSAO enabled.


I'm also using NVSR, NVAC (although I don't get crashes anymore), New Vegas Enhanced Camera, Project Nevada, and NVSE beta 4.3 with heap replacement enabled to 384 MB.


I have decreased my plugin count to 132 so it's well under the limit.

Edited by RoyBatterian
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