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What are your faults and weaknesses?


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My mom wanted two sons, my older brother was born and was almost loved to death, and then came me - I was the wrong sex, so I was ignored,

so she had another and got what she wanted.

Living in their shadow (though loved by my dad), I grew up a rebel, stubborn and angry, so yeah my weaknesses were anger, stubborness, arrogance and

over analyzing everything looking for a fault so that I could be a ............... !

Heck I even got a girlfriend once and flaunted her in front of my mother .... that really messed with her head .... but you have no idea how cool that made

me feel ...

I've calmed down a lot and tend to be a lot kinder and patient but even though I've really worked hard on curbing my hot-headedness and inner anger,

I still sometimes lose it but not so badly anymore.


I have a proud Dad but a very lousy mother .... visiting their home is still like walking through a minefield, and I never come onto Nexus after visiting

them, as a matter of fact I "banish" all people from my life for a few days ....


So do I have some weaknesses ? YEAH !!!!!!!!!

I mostly tend to say what I'm thinking, if I'm thinking that is ....

I sometimes leap before I look and yeah, I've had my fair share of replying to posts only to realise that I've screwed up .... it's so embarressing ....

If I've offended anyone here .... a really big big apology ....


I tend to love or over-love ? the down trodden and want to help everyone (LOL) .... silly me.

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My mom wanted two sons, my older brother was born and was almost loved to death, and then came me - I was the wrong sex, so I was ignored,

so she had another and got what she wanted.

Living in their shadow (though loved by my dad), I grew up a rebel, stubborn and angry, so yeah my weaknesses were anger, stubborness, arrogance and

over analyzing everything looking for a fault so that I could be a ............... !

Heck I even got a girlfriend once and flaunted her in front of my mother .... that really messed with her head .... but you have no idea how cool that made

me feel ...

I've calmed down a lot and tend to be a lot kinder and patient but even though I've really worked hard on curbing my hot-headedness and inner anger,

I still sometimes lose it but not so badly anymore.


I have a proud Dad but a very lousy mother .... visiting their home is still like walking through a minefield, and I never come onto Nexus after visiting

them, as a matter of fact I "banish" all people from my life for a few days ....


So do I have some weaknesses ? YEAH !!!!!!!!!

I mostly tend to say what I'm thinking, if I'm thinking that is ....

I sometimes leap before I look and yeah, I've had my fair share of replying to posts only to realise that I've screwed up .... it's so embarressing ....

If I've offended anyone here .... a really big big apology ....

I tend to love or over-love ? the down trodden and want to help everyone (LOL) .... silly me.


You have just showed how to turn your weeknesses into your strengh. :thumbsup:

Had it been possible to give multiple kudos, I would give you another

EDIT: and I still love when you participates in debates

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I was the queen of no confidence .... but you have to realise that " .... it's not the size of the dog in a fight

but the size of the fight in the dog ..... Dwight D. Eisenhower.


And thanks Balagor, you're an angel .....

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