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Any Other Overhauls Out There?


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I've tried everything in the book to get OOO to work correctly with my Oblivion: GOTY game. It doesn't matter what methods to install, whether OBMM or manually installed, it just doesn't work correctly. Missing textures (corrected, and then they reappeared), missing items, black screens and very frequent crashes, I've decided that I have had enough. I've read the ReadMe so much that I've got it damn near memorized. Is there anyone out there who can tell me if there are any other overhauls for this great game that have some of the perks of OOO, but none of the major aggravations that I've experienced?
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I am having the same sort of problem with Francesco's levelled Creatures & Items 4.5. All Oblivion does after I install it is crash and it looks like such a great mod too! I have even tried going from a completely clean installation of Oblivion (with v1.2 patch), yet it is still crashing!! :wallbash: Can anyone help? If I can get this mod up and running, I'll get right back into Oblivion all over again... (again)!
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yep...OOO is the best overhaul, you really have to figure out how to install it.

Try using "lite"


That's the problem, though. I have tried installing both the full and lite (when full didn't work out), and still the same problems. I had the stupid thing working before, but then I wound up with frequent crashes, even though my load order was fine.

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FCOM is not a good idea for him, since it depends on having correctly installed OOO.


you can try Lazaru´s OblivionWarCry .but i recommend you to keep trying with OOO.


Thanks, I'll give it a shot. I've got UOE running right now...but it's extremely dull and that's what I miss about Oscuro's. Like I mentioned previously; I did indeed have OOO working, but then wound up with massive crashes, hangups, textures missing, sounds being off, it was a real nightmare. Even when I had only OOO installed (no other mods at all), I still wound up with these problems.

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