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Seeking Voice Actress


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Seeking Voice Actress

Hello Everyone!

I'm an author of the Skyrim mod "Companion Selene Kate" on Nexus. This mod was released on June 2013 and has the record about 1,700 endorsement and 100,000 downloads (Apr. 2014). This is the mod about Skyrim female custom follower, Selene Kate who has similar appearance with Selene on the film "Underworld" and has various artificial intelligence to help player with enjyable Skyrim adventure like dancing, custom combat skills, home management system, and in-game hairstyle changer and so on. Of course, this mod has not completed yet. It'll be developed continuously. I've tried to give her unique personality by making her unique dialogue lines using in-game common voice. However, it could not meet her personality perfectly. So, I want to give you an open position for a voice actress about her. I wish many talented people apply for this voice-acting work.


- Someone who has charming female voice.

- An adult over 19 years old. (This mod is an adult-only content)

- Native English speaker or someone who can speak English very well like native people.

- Someone who has talent of writing story. (It'll be much better if you have good sense of humor).

- There is no pay for this work. Because this is the free mod for everyone who is playing Skyrim.

- Someone who has an experience in playing Skyrim (at last 1-time experience to walk through the whole story of Skyrim)

- Someone who has an experience in using Skyrim Creation Kit.

- Someone who has adequate voice-recording equipment to record self-voice.

- Someone who can enjoy modding work without haste in free time.

About your work

- Recording your voice about dialogues which are already written in the mod and new dialogues for the Quest to be added in the future.

- Rewriting or creating dialogue lines to express Selene's personality as the way of you thinking. (I guess about 2,000~3,000 lines)

- Making story about her unique quest.

- You'll be an co-author of this mod if we release the updated version with custom-voice.

- Don't worry about modding skill like handling mesh/texture or using CK tool or programming Papyrus script. I'll do it.

- I think, you'll be asked to record your voice continuously from time to time util mod development is stopped.

- Please note you could probably record the content about adult relationship like kiss, hug or something like love affair.

How to apply for this work

Please send me your voice file recording following lines by email ( [email protected] ).

If I think you're the right person to work with me, I'll contact with you by email.

- What do you need?

- Lead the way.

- Looks like you've already got someone with you.

- Anything else?

- Let's get going, then.

- Not for you. Not for anyone.

- Ready to get going?

- What do you want me to carry?

- You go on ahead.

- I'll head back home if you need me.

- What are you doing in here?

- Still need me to do something?

- Help! I'm being attacked!

- This what you want? Huh?

- You're outmatched!

- You won't get away!

- Enjoy your last breath!

- It's a wonderful house, my love. If you don't mind, I'm going to start a small store. Something to do whenever you're on the road.

- Hello, my love. Back from some adventure I bet.

- Yes, my love? What do you need?

- If you ever think of throwing meat at me, I will have you dragged off to Cidhna Mine so fast the guards will yank those filthy arms of yours off.

- Not much to it, really. We fish, and keep to ourselves. Try to keep from upsetting the Empire or the Stormcloaks, and so far the war's left us alone.

- Well, she needs to eat. I don't think she even knows where the kitchen is. And milady isn't exactly going to remove her own chamber pot, now is she?

- or Something else what you want to speak.




Thank you for many applicants about this work!!

Edited by Kasprutz
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