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Looking for old preset


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Coming back to Dragon Age after a long hiatus, I discovered a mystery preset in my override. I didn't make it and I can't remember for the life of me where it came from. It's a human female preset, called Persephone. It's not Entopie's Persephone, I looked. This one makes use of Dracomies' vampiric skin, HAIRSTYLE DAY's MoonriseR hairstyle, and an eye texture called pn_eye_warden_0d. I'm trying to track down just where this preset came from, or at least where I can find the eye texture so I can get it working properly. If anyone can help me out, I'd be very grateful. My own search has turned up nothing so far.

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I can't help with the origin of the preset, but the eye texture is from The Warden.


ETA that a quick Google search on "Persephone preset dragon age" led me to Sonom Presets, and if I'm not mistaken, the third image is the morph you've described. (Though I don't see that eye texture mod in the list of requirements, so... I dunno?)



Edited by theskymoves
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