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Looking for someone to make some basic mesh edits


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Hi all,

I'm making a series of armour sets based on marvel characters, mainly working from retexturing existing armours, but for some i'm going to need some mesh edits which I can't do myself. I've had a look at some tutorials and might give it a go but i'd rather get on with the texturing if someone is able to help me out! It's just things like removing horns from helmets, reshaping bits and pieces, adding capes etc, i'm not looking for any complete redesigns or scratch built stuff.


Please reply here or message me if you can help out, cheers!

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Right, I had a bash at trying things myself, got as far as importing the nif into blender but actually editing the mesh is beyond me at the moment, so if anyone is willing i'd be very appreciative!


Main things I need at the moment:


The horns taken off of Yngol's helm (to make a Magneto style helm)

The 4 lumps taken off of the banded iron shield (for a smoother circular Captain America style shield)


Otherwise if anyone knows of a blender tutorial that might be useful in editing existing meshes?

Thanks all

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