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Balanced stealth weapons


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To start off, this is not a game braking uber nanotech god weapons request.

I got a couple ideas for balanced stealth weapons.


1. Crimson Dragoon Carbine. A chinese take on the infiltrator. Using my amazing copy paste MS paint skillz I shortened the barrel by moving the gas valve/ iron sight assembly all the way back to the handguard. Then attached a silencer and scope from the infiltrator, and removed the cleaning rod. I was thinking that this weapon could have similar stats to the perforator. With a slightly higher crit dmg (20 ish) to make it better for sneak attacks with lower base dmg or crit chance as a trade off. This weapon would be used by Crimson Dragoons (hence the name) and would be in the tech vault at the end of anchorage sim.


2. I aslo had an idea for a silenced sniper rifle of sorts. U cant have a silent sniper rifle, range requires supersonic muzzle velicty and the sonic boom can't be silenced - period. But what about a crossbow? It's silent and accurate to about 200 yds. Surely if we made them in medieval times we could make them in the wasteland.


3. An alien shield module. Some aliens on Zeta have shields that give them a lot of extra DR. I was thinking if this could be made into a misc inventory item to wear in addition to the armor, that grants some extra DR to the PC may be 15-20ish. Since misc items cant be damaged, to make it balanced you could have it run of the alien power modules. So that for every 2hp of damage taken it would drain 1 power module for example.


Now obviously if I could make any of these myself I would, but i can't. So if anyone makes any of one of the 3 I'd very happy.

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I looked into WMK before posting this but that is a substantial modification to the game. It requires a whole lot of other mods like: FOSE, a bunch of compatibility patches, archive invalidation etc... And in the end all you get is a silencer and a scope on top of a regular model. Plus there is no way to alter crits and dmg unless you edit it in the GECK but then ur changing all the rifles in the game. WMK is a great mod, just not something I would install for one weapon.


If noone will make these weapons, is there a tutorial I can find to help me do this on my own? I dont have any modelling software though... I read the Mini Tutorial, how to do what we can do yet but I'm kinda lost.

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If you aren't running FOSE and Archive Invalidation already, then I don't know what you're doing! :P They are both essential to run ANY mod. Well not so much FOSE but AII is a definite must. Good luck on going your own way. Modeling is tough work.
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