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Amplifying the radio signal


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I plan on creating a mod that's got quite a bit of stuff in it but all goes together and an amplifier was one of them.


my question is obviously, if it is possible.


(simplest explanation is if i could modify a signal map area





x))))))) o




where x is the beacon and the player o, and it throws it's signal farther, so the player would get signal when it's amplified


I've looked at the geck and haven't really seen anything dealing with this...



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Radio signal strength is dealt with in the TalkingActivator of the respective radio station. For example, GNR has two- one that is initially disabled that broadcasts everywhere (it's enabled when you finish the GNR quest), and another that is radius-based and broadcasts within that radius before you finish the quest.

Modifying the radius is as simple as going to the TalkingActivator in the world, double clicking on it, and going to the Radio Data tab. That's where the broadcast range data is set.


If you wanted to change the broadcast range via script (say you get this "amplifier") the script would be similar to what happens with GNR. You'd enable an Initially Disabled activator that broadcasts to an extended range, and disable the old one.

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