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Cant continue after ending


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Hey, I have a glitch. After the ending, my character cannot move and I cannot continue. Has anyone else experienced this and how can this be fixed. I have the Broken Steel expansion and cannot play it due to the fact that I cannot continue after the ending. Please Help!!
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Is it the case of Ron Perlman telling you how awesome you are/how much you suck, and then you're stuck dying on the Rotunda floor?


If so, open the console and try this:


setstage xx000802 10 (with xx being the load order number of Broken Steel


tcl (for clipping through the walls, if you can move at that point).


For good measure, you can also click on a quest that is NOT Death From Above or Take It Back! and type into console "movetoqt" to jump straight outside. That SHOULD do it - at least it did for me.

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Having 1.5 is a lethal blow to your game in general. But this issue doesn't sound like 1.5, considering that he's reporting being stuck after the end, rather than the game crashing at opening pipboy, closing pipboy, talking to someone, shooting someone, going somewhere or loading any save game (this is what 1.5 does).


I have 1.7, the whole nine yards, and I still got that issue recently.

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If playing a non-standard race, you'll need a mod like CREBSOR (horrible acronym, but it gets you onward with a custom race like ghoul, Tribal, raider, etc. btw, that's Custom Race Ending Broken Steel OverRide).
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