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The Ugly Stick Weapon

Jacob Black

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As I set here and type this, I have a Dowl rod leaning against my bed but this is not when I got the idea my mom bought 4 of these things they have a diameter (thickness) of 5/8 and are 36 in. long. When I saw these and picked one up an idea accured: What if these were to be made into weapons for The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion? It would be funny to wack NPCs and Guards with this thing they should not be a one hit kill weapon. Yo should be able to wack NPCs and Creatures multiple times with out killing them.(this Gives a whole new Meaning to the saying " Beat you with an Ugly Stick") And You gussed it, the Weapon should be called The Ugly Stick, cause, well, its a stick (Dial Rod Actualy). This Is just for fun, I thought it was a funny idea oh and when you swing it (the real Dial rod) it makes a low (very low) woosh sound so the mod one should too
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You were close but No that is not what i meant It is an unenchanted weapon that is a dowl rod see the pic to see what it looks like it has a red end on it

I know what you meant. I was suggesting an alternative to waiting for ages for someone to maybe make the weapn, but probably not.

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