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Oblivion Real-time Conversations


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Is it possible to modify oblivion to allow conversations to happen in Real-time? it losses alot of immersiveness to everyone and everything stopping when you strike up a conversation. I think it would be rather interesting to be able to move around a bit (while remaining in conversation range). It could lead to companion improvements, multiple person conversations, and the implications of being able to chat inside the "real" oblivion world instead of the conversation sanctum. I'm sure the logistics of controls could be overcome easily enough.
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I don't think the Oblivion game engine is programmed to support that type of thing. It would be really cool, but I think you will have to wait for TES V or TES VI. I did see a description of a mod that claimed to have real-time lockpicking though.
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I don't know if they'll ever get it out. The benefit of a world-freeze is logical, it takes care nothing interferes while you're talking. For oblivion it would get slightly impossible as when you do everything in real-time you really got to break the system as everything will try to stop the conversation...other NPCs, AI packages, combat etc...That all stops when you enter a conversation. It will be impossible to do that in the game/playing mode with the oblivion engine.
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