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Attn: Pillow Fort Builders

Marxist ßastard

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You can add 'em to your inventory in whatever quantity you want, you can drop 'em and stand on 'em right off the bat, for as long as you want. Jump around on 'em, put a Guar on 'em, they don't mind. Then you can pick 'em back up just like they were normal pillows, drop 'em again at any angle you want, and still stand on 'em right off the bat. Still works even if you restore a save, quit the game, go catch a fish.


And when I'm done with the fool thing, you'll be able to resize 'em, move 'em using the console, stand 'em on their heads, and lock 'em all in a group at the z axis so that displacement on landscape (IE, the floating bug) doesn't worry you any more.


However, since this is your brainchild for the most part due to your most ingenious ideas on how to actually pull it off, I won't hold it hostage from you just to satisfy the needs of a few people. PM me your mail address and I'll send you a working implementation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The basic implementation is there, and I wish to get out any bugs in it while I'm working though the auxilliary parts of the plugin. Thus, for all you who were waiting for a testing version of the plugin, today's your lucky day.


Be sure to report any bugs to me, especially CTDs. The attachment will be removed once a stable plugin using the implementation is released. Finally, if you wish to, at any time, disable the debugging information:


stopscript pillow_debug

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Silently updated the hospital pillows attachment to beta 2.


For anybody who wants it, there's also an implementation of this using the more neutral "hammock pillow" mesh, instead of the white Egyptian silk, 500 thread count model. If you're using both plugins at once, you might want to stop the debugging script for at least one.


If you aren't getting the pillow wand when you have both enabled:


player->additem pillow_wand 1

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I don't know what version is avaiable for download in this thread, but i made a little fort with the version you gave me, which i guess is the first version.


The lady cannot get into my fort :D I used 6 pillows on each other where she tried to get on, and she sort of got, but when i did 8 she really couldn't get over it. I made stairs to get myself into the fort, my acrobatics skill on that char was low :D

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  • 9 months later...

So, I've decided to install Morrowind again --- and with it, the usual slew of mods. Of course, I wouldn't dare pass up my own beloved Hospital Pillows:






...The only downside to the construction is some bosmer ran up to me and asserted that it wasn't "enviro-friendly" or some other such garbage. Now, I may have some personal objections to going through with an alternate plan just to address such concerns, but I'm here to serve, right?



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Ah nice. I've been busy so I totally forgot to update the mod o_O


Could you update it? All it needs right now is the removal of the message that appears when sneaking and replacing the pillow wand with 'pillow seeds' which you can grow into a pillow using a portable item called the 'pillow machine'. You could let Drarayne Thelas sell them, because she has a storage room full of pillows. The advantage of pillow seeds is that they aren't scripted so can be stacked in the players inventory.


My script didn't work but the last suggestion people gave me on the official forums (which I didn't test yet) was:

if ( onpcequip == 1 )
if ( player->getitemcount pillowseed >= 1 )
	set NumSeeds to player->getitemcount pillowseed
	player->removeitem pillowseed, NumSeeds
	player->additem hospitalpillow, NumSeeds

Edit: Maybe we should wait.

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Well, the system I've got right now is to combine all the sandbags except one into a single pile of "extra sandbags" that don't have a script. I've tested it with merchants and it seems to do well. If you could find time to work the new sandbg_barter object into merchant inventories and levelled lists, that'd be just great. (I don't know how to work with levelled lists.)



Errata: If you go into your inventory very soon after buying some sandbags (IE, one or two frames), same of the sandbags you just bought will be split into a pile of their own, seperate from the actual extra sandbags pile. If you exit out of your inventory, the sandbag piles will merge into one during the following frame.

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